nserror content_factory_register_handler(const char *mime_type, const struct content_handler *handler)
content_type content_factory_type_from_mime_type(lwc_string *mime_type)
Compute the generic content type for a MIME type.
struct content * content_factory_create_content(struct llcache_handle *llcache, const char *fallback_charset, bool quirks, lwc_string *effective_type)
Create a content object.
void content_factory_fini(void)
Clean up after the content factory.
Declaration of content enumerations.
Content operation function table.
Content which corresponds to a single URL.
bool quirks
Content is in quirks mode.
lwc_string * mime_type
Original MIME type of data.
char * fallback_charset
Fallback charset, or NULL.