Started 4 mo 7 days ago

Unstable Build #669 (27-May-2024 13:54:57)

  1. select: calc: Use pre-defined F_100 macro (detail / cgit)
  2. select: unit: angle2deg: Use pre-defined F_180 macro (detail / cgit)
  3. select: computed: Wrap code to fit 80 cols (detail / cgit)
  4. API: computed: Change css_computed_width getter function names (detail / cgit)
0 errors, 15 warnings

Started by an SCM change

Started by upstream project libcss build number 1638
originally caused by:

Revision: d991ff10e4b23b06a345540a4b243c50d7a40368
  • origin/master
14 bugs found. Threshold of 0 exceeded. BUILD FAILED