Data Fields
ami_corewindow Struct Reference

Amiga core window state. More...

#include <corewindow.h>

Collaboration diagram for ami_corewindow:

Data Fields

struct ami_generic_window w
struct Window * win
Object * objects [GID_CW_LAST]
struct Hook idcmp_hook
struct timeval lastclick
int mouse_x_click
int mouse_y_click
int mouse_state
bool dragging
int drag_x_start
int drag_y_start
bool close_window
APTR deferred_rects_pool
struct MinList * deferred_rects
bool in_border_scroll
 keep track of the scrollbar type we're using More...
bool scroll_x_visible
bool scroll_y_visible
char * wintitle
 window title, must be allocated wth ami_utf8 function More...
struct gui_globalsgg
 stuff for our off-screen render bitmap More...
struct MinList * shared_pens
core_window_drag_status drag_status
 drag status set by core More...
nserror(* draw )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int x, int y, struct rect *r, struct redraw_context *ctx)
 callback to draw on drawable area of Amiga core window More...
nserror(* key )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, uint32_t nskey)
 callback for keypress on Amiga core window More...
nserror(* mouse )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, browser_mouse_state mouse_state, int x, int y)
 callback for mouse event on Amiga core window More...
BOOL(* event )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, ULONG result)
 callback for unknown events on Amiga core window eg. More...
nserror(* drag_end )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int x, int y)
 callback for drag end on Amiga core window ie. More...
nserror(* icon_drop )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, struct nsurl *url, const char *title, int x, int y)
 callback for icon drop on Amiga core window ie. More...
void(* close )(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw)
 callback to close an Amiga core window More...

Detailed Description

Amiga core window state.

Definition at line 47 of file corewindow.h.

Field Documentation

◆ close

void(* ami_corewindow::close) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw)

callback to close an Amiga core window

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.

Definition at line 164 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cookies_present(), ami_cw_close(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_present(), and ami_pageinfo_open().

◆ close_window

bool ami_corewindow::close_window

Definition at line 67 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_event(), and HOOKF().

◆ deferred_rects

struct MinList* ami_corewindow::deferred_rects

◆ deferred_rects_pool

APTR ami_corewindow::deferred_rects_pool

◆ drag_end

nserror(* ami_corewindow::drag_end) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int x, int y)

callback for drag end on Amiga core window ie.

a drag from this window to a different window

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
xmouse x position in screen co-ordinates
ymouse y position in screen co-ordinates
NSERROR_OK on success otherwise apropriate error code

Definition at line 143 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_drag_end(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), and ami_hotlist_present().

◆ drag_status

core_window_drag_status ami_corewindow::drag_status

drag status set by core

Definition at line 85 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_corewindow_init(), ami_cw_drag_end(), ami_cw_drag_progress(), ami_cw_drag_start(), and ami_cw_drag_status().

◆ drag_x_start

int ami_corewindow::drag_x_start

Definition at line 64 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_drag_start(), ami_cw_event(), and ami_cw_mouse_moved().

◆ drag_y_start

int ami_corewindow::drag_y_start

Definition at line 65 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_drag_start(), ami_cw_event(), and ami_cw_mouse_moved().

◆ dragging

bool ami_corewindow::dragging

◆ draw

nserror(* ami_corewindow::draw) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int x, int y, struct rect *r, struct redraw_context *ctx)

callback to draw on drawable area of Amiga core window

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
xPlot origin (X)
rPlot origin (Y)
rThe rectangle of the window that needs updating.
ctxRedraw context
NSERROR_OK on success otherwise apropriate error code

Definition at line 97 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cookies_present(), ami_cw_redraw_rect(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_present(), and ami_pageinfo_open().

◆ event

BOOL(* ami_corewindow::event) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, ULONG result)

callback for unknown events on Amiga core window eg.

buttons in the ssl cert window (result & WMHI_CLASSMASK) gives the class of event (eg. WMHI_GADGETUP) (result & WMHI_GADGETMASK) gives the gadget ID (eg. GID_SSLCERT_ACCEPT)

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
resultevent as returned by RA_HandleInput()
TRUE if window closed during event processing

Definition at line 132 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cookies_present(), ami_cw_event(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_present(), and ami_pageinfo_open().

◆ gg

struct gui_globals* ami_corewindow::gg

stuff for our off-screen render bitmap

Definition at line 81 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_corewindow_fini(), ami_corewindow_init(), and ami_cw_redraw_rect().

◆ icon_drop

nserror(* ami_corewindow::icon_drop) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, struct nsurl *url, const char *title, int x, int y)

callback for icon drop on Amiga core window ie.

a drag has ended above this window

this may not be very flexible but serves our current purposes
ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
urlurl of dropped icon
titletitle of dropped icon
xmouse x position in screen co-ordinates
ymouse y position in screen co-ordinates
NSERROR_OK on success otherwise apropriate error code

Definition at line 157 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_history_global_drag_end(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_drag_end(), and ami_hotlist_present().

◆ idcmp_hook

struct Hook ami_corewindow::idcmp_hook

◆ in_border_scroll

bool ami_corewindow::in_border_scroll

keep track of the scrollbar type we're using

Definition at line 73 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_corewindow_fini(), ami_corewindow_init(), and ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar().

◆ key

nserror(* ami_corewindow::key) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, uint32_t nskey)

callback for keypress on Amiga core window

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
nskeyThe netsurf key code.
NSERROR_OK if key processed, NSERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if key not processed otherwise apropriate error code

Definition at line 109 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cookies_present(), ami_cw_key(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_present(), and ami_pageinfo_open().

◆ lastclick

struct timeval ami_corewindow::lastclick

Definition at line 57 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_corewindow_init(), and ami_cw_event().

◆ mouse

nserror(* ami_corewindow::mouse) (struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, browser_mouse_state mouse_state, int x, int y)

callback for mouse event on Amiga core window

ami_cwThe Amiga core window structure.
mouse_statemouse state
xlocation of event
ylocation of event
NSERROR_OK on sucess otherwise apropriate error code.

Definition at line 120 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cookies_present(), ami_cw_event(), ami_history_global_present(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_hotlist_present(), and ami_pageinfo_open().

◆ mouse_state

int ami_corewindow::mouse_state

Definition at line 61 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_corewindow_init(), and ami_cw_event().

◆ mouse_x_click

int ami_corewindow::mouse_x_click

Definition at line 59 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_event(), and ami_cw_mouse_moved().

◆ mouse_y_click

int ami_corewindow::mouse_y_click

Definition at line 60 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_event(), and ami_cw_mouse_moved().

◆ objects

Object* ami_corewindow::objects[GID_CW_LAST]

◆ scroll_x_visible

bool ami_corewindow::scroll_x_visible

◆ scroll_y_visible

bool ami_corewindow::scroll_y_visible

◆ shared_pens

struct MinList* ami_corewindow::shared_pens

Definition at line 82 of file corewindow.h.

◆ w

struct ami_generic_window ami_corewindow::w

Definition at line 52 of file corewindow.h.

Referenced by ami_cw_close(), and ami_cw_event().

◆ win

struct Window* ami_corewindow::win

◆ wintitle

char* ami_corewindow::wintitle

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: