Enumeration of error codes.
void llcache_clean(bool purge)
Cause the low-level cache to attempt to perform cleanup.
nserror llcache_handle_clone(llcache_handle *handle, llcache_handle **result)
Clone a low-level cache handle, producing a new handle to the same fetch/content.
nserror llcache_initialise(const struct llcache_parameters *parameters)
Initialise the low-level cache.
nserror(* llcache_handle_callback)(llcache_handle *handle, const llcache_event *event, void *pw)
Client callback for low-level cache events.
nserror llcache_handle_abort(llcache_handle *handle)
Abort a low-level fetch, informing all users of this action.
struct llcache_post_data llcache_post_data
POST data object for low-level cache requests.
void llcache_finalise(void)
Finalise the low-level cache.
bool llcache_handle_references_same_object(const llcache_handle *a, const llcache_handle *b)
Determine if the same underlying object is referenced by the given handles.
nsurl * llcache_handle_get_url(const llcache_handle *handle)
Retrieve the post-redirect URL of a low-level cache object.
const uint8_t * llcache_handle_get_source_data(const llcache_handle *handle, size_t *size)
Retrieve source data of a low-level cache object.
const char * llcache_handle_get_header(const llcache_handle *handle, const char *key)
Retrieve a header value associated with a low-level cache object.
nserror llcache_handle_change_callback(llcache_handle *handle, llcache_handle_callback cb, void *pw)
Change the callback associated with a low-level cache handle.
nserror llcache_handle_retrieve(nsurl *url, uint32_t flags, nsurl *referer, const llcache_post_data *post, llcache_handle_callback cb, void *pw, llcache_handle **result)
Retrieve a handle for a low-level cache object.
nserror llcache_handle_force_stream(llcache_handle *handle)
Force a low-level cache handle into streaming mode.
nserror llcache_handle_invalidate_cache_data(llcache_handle *handle)
Invalidate cache data for a low-level cache object.
Flags for low-level cache object retrieval.
Stream data (implies that object is not cacheable)
Requested URL was verified.
Force a new fetch.
nserror llcache_handle_release(llcache_handle *handle)
Release a low-level cache handle.
Low-level cache event types.
Finished fetching data.
An error occurred during fetch.
SSL certificates arrived.
Fetch URL redirect occured.
Fetch progress update.
Received all headers.
Received some data.
NetSurf URL handling (interface).
struct nsurl nsurl
NetSurf URL object.
Fetch POST multipart data.
const struct cert_chain * chain
Certificate chain.
nsurl * to
Redirect target.
const char * msg
Error message.
nserror code
The error code.
size_t len
Byte length of buffer.
const char * progress_msg
Progress message.
llcache_event_type type
Type of event.
nsurl * from
Redirect origin.
const uint8_t * buf
Buffer of data.
Handle to low-level cache object.
Parameters to configure the low level cache.
struct llcache_store_parameters store
int minimum_lifetime
The minimum lifetime to consider sending objects to backing store.
size_t hysteresis
The hysteresis around the target size.
size_t limit
The target upper bound for the RAM cache size.
size_t maximum_bandwidth
The maximum bandwidth to allow the backing store to use in bytes/second.
uint32_t fetch_attempts
The number of fetches to attempt when timing out.
size_t minimum_bandwidth
The minimum bandwidth to allow the backing store to use in bytes/second.
unsigned long time_quantum
The time quantum over which to calculate the bandwidth values.
POST data object for low-level cache requests.
struct fetch_multipart_data * multipart
Multipart data.
enum llcache_post_data::@122 type
Type of POST data.
union llcache_post_data::@123 data
POST data content.
char * urlenc
URL encoded data.
Parameters to configure the low level cache backing store.
size_t hysteresis
The hysteresis around the target size.
size_t limit
The backing store upper bound target size.
const char * path
The path to the backing store.