Data Fields
gui_window_2 Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for gui_window_2:

Data Fields

struct ami_generic_window w
struct Window * win
Object *restrict objects [GID_LAST]
struct gui_windowgw
bool redraw_required
int throbber_frame
struct List tab_list
ULONG tabs
ULONG next_tab
struct Node * last_new_tab
struct Hook scrollerhook
browser_mouse_state mouse_state
browser_mouse_state key_state
ULONG throbber_update_count
struct find_windowsearchwin
ULONG oldh
ULONG oldv
int temp
bool redraw_scroll
bool new_content
struct ami_menu_datamenu_data [AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX+1]
ULONG hotlist_items
Object *restrict hotlist_toolbar_lab [AMI_GUI_TOOLBAR_MAX]
struct List hotlist_toolbar_list
struct List * web_search_list
Object * search_bm
char *restrict svbuffer
char *restrict status
char *restrict wintitle
char icontitle [24]
char *restrict helphints [GID_LAST]
browser_mouse_state prev_mouse_state
struct timeval lastclick
struct AppIcon * appicon
struct DiskObject * dobj
struct Hook favicon_hook
struct Hook throbber_hook
struct Hook browser_hook
struct Hook * ctxmenu_hook
Object *restrict history_ctxmenu [2]
Object * clicktab_ctxmenu
gui_drag_type drag_op
struct IBox * ptr_lock
struct AppWindow * appwin
struct MinList * shared_pens
gui_pointer_shape mouse_pointer
struct Menu * imenu
bool closed

Detailed Description

Definition at line 246 of file gui.c.

Field Documentation

◆ appicon

struct AppIcon* gui_window_2::appicon

Definition at line 280 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_appicon_remove(), and ami_gui_event().

◆ appwin

struct AppWindow* gui_window_2::appwin

Definition at line 290 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ browser_hook

struct Hook gui_window_2::browser_hook

Definition at line 284 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create().

◆ clicktab_ctxmenu

Object* gui_window_2::clicktab_ctxmenu

Definition at line 287 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_toggletabbar(), and gui_window_create().

◆ closed

bool gui_window_2::closed

Definition at line 294 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui2_set_closed(), and ami_gui_event().

◆ ctxmenu_hook

struct Hook* gui_window_2::ctxmenu_hook

Definition at line 285 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ dobj

struct DiskObject* gui_window_2::dobj

Definition at line 281 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_appicon_remove(), and ami_gui_event().

◆ drag_op

gui_drag_type gui_window_2::drag_op

Definition at line 288 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_trap_mouse(), and gui_window_drag_start().

◆ favicon_hook

struct Hook gui_window_2::favicon_hook

Definition at line 282 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create().

◆ gw

struct gui_window* gui_window_2::gw

◆ helphints

char* restrict gui_window_2::helphints[GID_LAST]

◆ history_ctxmenu

Object* restrict gui_window_2::history_ctxmenu[2]

◆ hotlist_items

ULONG gui_window_2::hotlist_items

Definition at line 268 of file gui.c.

◆ hotlist_toolbar_lab

Object* restrict gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_lab[AMI_GUI_TOOLBAR_MAX]

Definition at line 269 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_add(), and ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_free().

◆ hotlist_toolbar_list

struct List gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_list

◆ icontitle

char gui_window_2::icontitle[24]

Definition at line 276 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_event().

◆ imenu

struct Menu* gui_window_2::imenu

◆ key_state

browser_mouse_state gui_window_2::key_state

Definition at line 259 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_update_quals(), and HOOKF().

◆ last_new_tab

struct Node* gui_window_2::last_new_tab

Definition at line 256 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_switch_tab(), and gui_window_create().

◆ lastclick

struct timeval gui_window_2::lastclick

Definition at line 279 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_event().

◆ menu_data

struct ami_menu_data* gui_window_2::menu_data[AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX+1]

Definition at line 267 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui2_get_menu_data(), and ami_gui2_set_menu().

◆ mouse_pointer

gui_pointer_shape gui_window_2::mouse_pointer

Definition at line 292 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_reset_pointer(), and ami_set_pointer().

◆ mouse_state

browser_mouse_state gui_window_2::mouse_state

Definition at line 258 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_event().

◆ new_content

bool gui_window_2::new_content

◆ next_tab

ULONG gui_window_2::next_tab

Definition at line 255 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create().

◆ objects

Object* restrict gui_window_2::objects[GID_LAST]

◆ oldh

ULONG gui_window_2::oldh

Definition at line 262 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), and gui_window_new_content().

◆ oldv

ULONG gui_window_2::oldv

Definition at line 263 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), and gui_window_new_content().

◆ prev_mouse_state

browser_mouse_state gui_window_2::prev_mouse_state

Definition at line 278 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_event().

◆ ptr_lock

struct IBox* gui_window_2::ptr_lock

Definition at line 289 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_trap_mouse(), and gui_window_drag_start().

◆ redraw_required

bool gui_window_2::redraw_required

Definition at line 251 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_redraw_callback(), and ami_schedule_redraw().

◆ redraw_scroll

bool gui_window_2::redraw_scroll

Definition at line 265 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_switch_tab(), gui_window_set_scroll(), and HOOKF().

◆ scrollerhook

struct Hook gui_window_2::scrollerhook

Definition at line 257 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create().

◆ search_bm

Object* gui_window_2::search_bm

Definition at line 272 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_search_web_provider_update(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ searchwin

struct find_window* gui_window_2::searchwin

Definition at line 261 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_set_find_window(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ shared_pens

struct MinList* gui_window_2::shared_pens

◆ status

char* restrict gui_window_2::status

Definition at line 274 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_destroy(), and gui_window_set_status().

◆ svbuffer

char* restrict gui_window_2::svbuffer

Definition at line 273 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ tab_list

struct List gui_window_2::tab_list

◆ tabs

ULONG gui_window_2::tabs

◆ temp

int gui_window_2::temp

◆ throbber_frame

int gui_window_2::throbber_frame

Definition at line 252 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_get_throbber_frame(), and ami_gui_set_throbber_frame().

◆ throbber_hook

struct Hook gui_window_2::throbber_hook

Definition at line 283 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create().

◆ throbber_update_count

ULONG gui_window_2::throbber_update_count

Definition at line 260 of file gui.c.

◆ w

struct ami_generic_window gui_window_2::w

Definition at line 247 of file gui.c.

Referenced by ami_gui_close_window(), ami_gui_event(), and ami_quit_netsurf().

◆ web_search_list

struct List* gui_window_2::web_search_list

Definition at line 271 of file gui.c.

Referenced by gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().

◆ win

struct Window* gui_window_2::win

◆ wintitle

char* restrict gui_window_2::wintitle

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: