Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_nsbeos_callback_tKillable callback closure embodiment
 C_nsgtk_callback_tKillable callback closure embodiment
 Cami_cookie_windowAmiga cookie viewer window context
 Cami_corewindowAmiga core window state
 Cami_history_global_windowAmiga history viewer window context
 Cami_history_local_windowAmiga local history viewing window context
 Cami_hotlist_windowAmiga hotlist viewer window context
 Cami_pageinfo_windowAmiga page info window context
 CbitmapRISC OS wimp toolkit bitmap
 Cbitmap_colour_layoutPixel format: colour component order
 Cbitmap_fmtBitmap format specifier
 Cblock_fileSmall block file
 CborderContainer for border values during table border calculations
 CboxNode in box tree
 Cbox_borderContainer for box border details
 Cbox_construct_ctxContext for box tree construction
 Cbox_construct_propsTransient properties for construction of current node
 Cbrowser_fetch_parametersThe parameters for a fetch
 Cbrowser_windowBrowser window data
 Cbrowser_window_featuresPage features at a specific spatial location
 Ccache_handleCurl handle cache entry
 Ccert_chainX509 certificate chain
 Ccert_infoSSL certificate info
 Ccolour_mapMapping of colour name to CSS color
 CcolumnTable column data
 CcolumnsColumn record for a table
 CcontentContent which corresponds to a single URL
 Ccontent_css_dataCSS content data
 Ccontent_handlerContent operation function table
 Ccontent_handler_entryEntry in list of content handlers
 Ccontent_html_framesFrame tree (frameset or frame tag)
 Ccontent_html_iframeInline frame list (iframe tag)
 Ccontent_html_objectAn object (img, object, etc
 Ccontent_msg_dataExtra data for some content_msg messages
 Ccontent_redraw_dataParameters to content redraw
 Ccontent_rfc5988_linkRFC5988 metadata link
 Ccontent_userLinked list of users of a content
 Ccookie_internal_dataCookie entry
 Ccore_window_tableCore user interface window function table
 Ccurl_fetch_infoInformation for a single fetch
 Cdownload_contextA context for a download
 Cdownload_window_ctxContext for a nsgtk download window
 Cfb_corewindowFb core window state
 Cfbtk_bitmapFramebuffer toolkit bitmaps
 Cfbtk_callback_infoWidget callback information
 Cfbtk_widget_sWidget description
 CfetchInformation for a single fetch
 Cfetch_file_contextContext for a fetch
 Cfetch_javascript_contextContext for an resource fetch
 Cfetch_msgFetcher message data
 Cfetch_multipart_dataFetch POST multipart data
 Cfetch_postdataFetch POST data
 Cfetch_resource_contextContext for an resource fetch
 Cfetch_resource_map_entryMap of resource scheme paths to redirect urls
 Cfetcher_operation_tableFetcher operations API
 â–ºCflex_ctxFlex layout context
 Cflex_item_dataFlex item data
 Cflex_line_dataFlex line data
 CformHTML form
 Cform_controlForm control
 Cform_optionOption in a select
 Cform_textarea_dataData for textarea
 Cgui_bitmap_tableBitmap operations
 Cgui_clipboard_tableFunction table for clipboard operations
 Cgui_download_tableFunction table for download windows
 Cgui_download_windowContext for each download
 Cgui_fetch_tableFunction table for fetcher operations
 Cgui_file_table/brief function table for file and filename operations
 Cgui_llcache_tableLow level cache backing store operation table
 Cgui_misc_tableGraphical user interface browser misc function table
 Cgui_query_windowData for a query window
 Cgui_save_table_entryAn entry in gui_save_table
 Cgui_search_tableFunction table for page text search
 Cgui_search_web_tableGraphical user interface browser web search function table
 Cgui_utf8_tableUser interface utf8 characterset conversion routines
 Cgui_windowFirst entry in window list
 Cgui_window_tableGraphical user interface window function table
 Chashmap_entry_sHashmaps have chains of entries in buckets
 Chashmap_parameters_tParameters for hashmaps
 Chashmap_sThe content of a hashmap
 ChistoryHistory tree for a window
 Chistory_entryA node in the history tree
 Chistory_pageHistory entry page information
 Chlcache_child_contextContext for retrieving a child object
 Chlcache_entryEntry in high-level cache
 Chlcache_eventHigh-level cache event
 Chlcache_handleHigh-level cache handle
 Chlcache_retrieval_ctxHigh-level cache retrieval context
 Chlcache_sCurrent state of the cache
 Chtml_contentData specific to CONTENT_HTML
 Chtml_drag_ownerFor drags we don't own
 Chtml_focus_ownerFor directing input
 Chtml_scriptContainer for scripts used by an HTML document
 Chtml_scrollbar_dataContext for scrollbar
 Chtml_selection_ownerFor getting at selections in this content or things in this content
 Chtml_stylesheetContainer for stylesheets used by an HTML document
 Chttp__itemRepresentation of an item
 Chttp_cache_controlRepresentation of a Cache-Control
 Chttp_challengeRepresentation of an HTTP challenge
 Chttp_directiveRepresentation of a directive
 Chttp_parameterRepresentation of an HTTP parameter
 Chttp_strict_transport_securityRepresentation of a Strict-Transport-Security
 Cimage_cache_entry_sImage cache entry
 Cimage_cache_sCurrent state of the cache
 CjsheapDukky javascript heap
 CjsthreadDukky javascript thread
 Clist_entrySearch match
 Cllcache_cache_controlCache control data
 Cllcache_eventLow-level cache events
 Cllcache_fetch_ctxLow-level cache object fetch context
 Cllcache_handleHandle to low-level cache object
 Cllcache_headerRepresentation of a fetch header
 Cllcache_objectLow-level cache object
 Cllcache_object_userLow-level cache object user record
 Cllcache_parametersParameters to configure the low level cache
 Cllcache_post_dataPOST data object for low-level cache requests
 Cllcache_sCore llcache control context
 Cllcache_store_parametersParameters to configure the low level cache backing store
 Clocal_history_sessionLocal history viewer context
 Cmouse_action_stateLocal structure containing all the mouse action state information
 Cnetsurf_tableNetSurf operation function table
 Cnsbmp_contentBmp context
 Cnsc_date_parse_ctxContext for date parsing
 CnscallbackScheduled callback
 Cnscss_contentCSS content data
 Cnscss_importImported stylesheet record
 Cnscss_import_ctxContext for import fetches
 Cnscss_select_ctxSelection context
 Cnsgtk_bar_submenuMain menubar
 Cnsgtk_corewindowNsgtk core window state
 Cnsgtk_corewindow_mouseNsgtk core window mouse state
 Cnsgtk_file_menuFile menu item on menubar
 Cnsgtk_hotlist_windowHotlist window container for gtk
 Cnsgtk_menuMenu entry context
 Cnsgtk_pi_windowGTK certificate viewing window context
 Cnsgtk_resource_sResource entry
 Cnsgtk_scaffoldingCore scaffolding structure
 Cnsgtk_throbberThrobber images context
 Cnsgtk_toolbarControl toolbar context
 Cnsgtk_toolbar_customisationToolbar cusomisation context
 Cnsgtk_toolbar_itemToolbar item context
 Cnsw32_corewindowNsw32 core window state
 Cnsw32_hotlist_windowHotlist window container for win32
 Cobject_paramLinked list of object element parameters
 Cobject_paramsParameters for object element and similar elements
 Cpage_infoThe page info window structure
 Cpage_info_entryAn entry on a page info window
 Cpage_info_itemAn "item" type page info entry
 Cpage_info_textAn "text" type page info entry
 Cpath_dataData entry for url
 Cplot_font_styleFont style for plotting
 Cplot_style_sPlot style for stroke/fill plotters
 Cplotter_tablePlotter operations table
 Cprint_settingsSettings for a print - filled in by print_make_settings or 'manually' by the caller
 CprinterPrinter interface
 Cprot_space_dataA protection space
 CrectRectangle coordinates
 Credraw_contextRedraw context
 Cro_corewindowRo core window state
 Cro_gui_pointer_entryAn entry in ro_gui_pointer_table
 Cro_hotlist_message_hotlist_addurlURL adding hotlist protocol message block
 Cro_hotlist_message_hotlist_changedChange hotlist protocol message block
 Cro_hotlist_windowHotlist window container for RISC OS
 Cro_pageinfo_windowPage info window container for RISC OS
 Cs_redrw_slotsThis struct holds scheduled redraw requests
 Csave_complete_entryAn entry in save_complete_list
 Csched_entryEntry in the queue of scheduled callbacks
 Cscheme_fetcher_sInformation about a fetcher for a given scheme
 CscrollbarScrollbar context
 Cscrollbar_msg_dataScrollbar message context data
 Csearch_nodeSearch index node
 Cspan_infoRow spanning information for a cell
 Cstore_entryBacking store object index entry
 Cstore_entry_elementBacking store entry element
 Cstore_stateParameters controlling the backing store
 Ctextarea_msgTextarea message
 Ctextarea_setupTextarea setup parameters
 Ctextplain_contentPlain text content
 Ctextsearch_contextThe context for a free text search
 Cthumbnail_save_areaSprite output context saving
 Ctoolbar_actionUnion to hold the different widget action data that can be passed from widget via toolbar to client
 CtreeviewThe treeview context
 Ctreeview_callback_tableClient callbacks for events concerning nodes
 Ctreeview_contract_dataContext for treeview contraction callback
 Ctreeview_dragTreeview drag state
 Ctreeview_editTreeview node edit details
 Ctreeview_expand_dataContext data for treeview expansion
 Ctreeview_fieldTreeview field
 Ctreeview_field_dataTreeview field data
 Ctreeview_field_descTreeview field description
 Ctreeview_globalsTreeview handling global context
 Ctreeview_launch_walk_dataContext for treeview launch action
 Ctreeview_mouse_actionContext for treeview mouse handling
 Ctreeview_moveTreeview node move details
 Ctreeview_nav_stateContext for treeview keyboard action
 Ctreeview_nodeTreeview node
 Ctreeview_node_deleteContext for treeview node deletion iterator
 Ctreeview_node_entryNode entry
 Ctreeview_node_msgTreeview message
 Ctreeview_node_styleStyle for a node
 Ctreeview_posA mouse position wrt treeview
 Ctreeview_resourceTreeview content resource data
 Ctreeview_searchTreeview search box details
 Ctreeview_search_walk_dataData used when doing a treeview walk for search
 Ctreeview_selection_walk_dataContext for treeview selection
 Ctreeview_textText within a treeview field or node
 Ctreeview_walk_ctxTreewalk iterator context
 Curl_bar_resourceTreeview content resource data
 Curl_internal_dataMeta data about a url
 CutsnameSystem information filled in by uname derived from posix spec