105 gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, 0, &value);
111 g_value_unset(&value);
152 GtkEntryCompletion *completion;
156 if (cb_ctx == NULL) {
163 completion = gtk_entry_get_completion(entry);
165 gtk_entry_completion_set_match_func(completion,
168 gtk_entry_completion_set_model(completion,
171 gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column(completion, 0);
173 gtk_entry_completion_set_minimum_key_length(completion, 1);
176 gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_completion(completion, TRUE);
179 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(completion),
184 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(completion),
185 "popup-set-width", TRUE,
186 "popup-single-match", TRUE,
Browser window creation and manipulation interface.
nserror browser_window_navigate(struct browser_window *bw, struct nsurl *url, struct nsurl *referrer, enum browser_window_nav_flags flags, char *post_urlenc, struct fetch_multipart_data *post_multipart, struct hlcache_handle *parent)
Start fetching a page in a browser window.
this will form a new history node (don't set for back/reload/etc)
Compatibility functions for older GTK versions (interface)
gboolean nsgtk_completion_update(GtkEntry *entry)
update completion list store.
void nsgtk_completion_init(void)
initialise completion list store
static gboolean nsgtk_completion_match(GtkEntryCompletion *completion, const gchar *key, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data)
completion row matcher
nserror nsgtk_completion_connect_signals(GtkEntry *entry, struct browser_window *(*get_bw)(void *ctx), void *get_bw_ctx)
connect signals on entry completion
static gboolean nsgtk_completion_match_select(GtkEntryCompletion *widget, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data)
event handler for when a completion suggestion is selected.
GtkListStore * nsgtk_completion_list
static bool nsgtk_completion_udb_callback(nsurl *url, const struct url_data *data)
callback for each entry to add to completion list
Interface to url entry completion.
nserror search_web_omni(const char *term, enum search_web_omni_flags flags, struct nsurl **url_out)
Generate a nsurl from a search term.
Enumeration of error codes.
Memory exhaustion.
nserror nsgtk_warning(const char *warning, const char *detail)
Warn the user of an event.
const char * messages_get_errorcode(nserror code)
lookup of a message by errorcode from the standard Messages hash.
Localised message support (interface).
NetSurf URL handling (interface).
void nsurl_unref(nsurl *url)
Drop a reference to a NetSurf URL object.
const char * nsurl_access(const nsurl *url)
Access a NetSurf URL object as a string.
struct nsurl nsurl
NetSurf URL object.
core web search facilities interface.
no changes to default operation
struct browser_window * bw
void * get_bw_ctx
context passed to get_bw function
struct browser_window *(* get_bw)(void *ctx)
callback to obtain a browser window for navigation
unsigned int visits
Visit count.
Unified URL information database public interface.
void urldb_iterate_partial(const char *prefix, bool(*callback)(struct nsurl *url, const struct url_data *data))
Iterate over entries in the database which match the given prefix.
Option reading and saving interface.
#define nsoption_bool(OPTION)
Get the value of a boolean option.