#include <proto/asl.h>
#include <proto/datatypes.h>
#include <proto/diskfont.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/graphics.h>
#include <proto/icon.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/keymap.h>
#include <proto/layers.h>
#include <proto/locale.h>
#include <proto/utility.h>
#include <proto/wb.h>
#include <datatypes/textclass.h>
#include <devices/inputevent.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <graphics/rpattr.h>
#include <intuition/icclass.h>
#include <intuition/screens.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <proto/bevel.h>
#include <proto/bitmap.h>
#include <proto/button.h>
#include <proto/chooser.h>
#include <proto/clicktab.h>
#include <proto/label.h>
#include <proto/layout.h>
#include <proto/listbrowser.h>
#include <proto/scroller.h>
#include <proto/space.h>
#include <proto/speedbar.h>
#include <proto/string.h>
#include <proto/window.h>
#include <classes/window.h>
#include <gadgets/button.h>
#include <gadgets/chooser.h>
#include <gadgets/clicktab.h>
#include <gadgets/layout.h>
#include <gadgets/listbrowser.h>
#include <gadgets/scroller.h>
#include <gadgets/space.h>
#include <gadgets/speedbar.h>
#include <gadgets/string.h>
#include <images/bevel.h>
#include <images/bitmap.h>
#include <images/label.h>
#include <reaction/reaction_macros.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/messages.h"
#include "utils/nsoption.h"
#include "utils/utf8.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "utils/nsurl.h"
#include "utils/file.h"
#include "netsurf/window.h"
#include "netsurf/fetch.h"
#include "netsurf/misc.h"
#include "netsurf/mouse.h"
#include "netsurf/netsurf.h"
#include "netsurf/content.h"
#include "netsurf/browser_window.h"
#include "netsurf/cookie_db.h"
#include "netsurf/url_db.h"
#include "netsurf/keypress.h"
#include "content/backing_store.h"
#include "content/fetch.h"
#include "desktop/browser_history.h"
#include "desktop/hotlist.h"
#include "desktop/version.h"
#include "desktop/save_complete.h"
#include "desktop/searchweb.h"
#include "amiga/gui.h"
#include "amiga/arexx.h"
#include "amiga/bitmap.h"
#include "amiga/clipboard.h"
#include "amiga/cookies.h"
#include "amiga/ctxmenu.h"
#include "amiga/datatypes.h"
#include "amiga/download.h"
#include "amiga/drag.h"
#include "amiga/file.h"
#include "amiga/filetype.h"
#include "amiga/font.h"
#include "amiga/gui_options.h"
#include "amiga/help.h"
#include "amiga/history.h"
#include "amiga/history_local.h"
#include "amiga/hotlist.h"
#include "amiga/icon.h"
#include "amiga/launch.h"
#include "amiga/libs.h"
#include "amiga/memory.h"
#include "amiga/menu.h"
#include "amiga/misc.h"
#include "amiga/nsoption.h"
#include "amiga/pageinfo.h"
#include "amiga/plotters.h"
#include "amiga/plugin_hack.h"
#include "amiga/print.h"
#include "amiga/schedule.h"
#include "amiga/search.h"
#include "amiga/selectmenu.h"
#include "amiga/theme.h"
#include "amiga/utf8.h"
#include "amiga/corewindow.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | gui_window_2 |
struct | gui_window |
first entry in window list More... | |
struct | ami_gui_tb_userdata |
Macros | |
#define | NSA_KBD_SCROLL_PX 10 |
#define | SCROLL_TOP INT_MIN |
#define | SCROLL_PAGE_UP (INT_MIN + 1) |
#define | SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN (INT_MAX - 1) |
#define | BOOL_MISMATCH(a, b) (1) |
#define | USERS_DIR "PROGDIR:Users" |
#define | nsoption_default_set_int(OPTION, VALUE) |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
static const | __attribute__ ((used)) |
struct gui_window * | ami_gui_get_active_gw (void) |
Get a pointer to the gui_window which NetSurf considers to be the current/active one. More... | |
struct Screen * | ami_gui_get_screen (void) |
Get a pointer to the screen NetSurf is running on. More... | |
struct MinList * | ami_gui_get_window_list (void) |
Get the window list. More... | |
void | ami_gui_beep (void) |
Beep. More... | |
struct browser_window * | ami_gui_get_browser_window (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get browser window from gui_window. More... | |
struct browser_window * | ami_gui2_get_browser_window (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get browser window from gui_window_2. More... | |
struct List * | ami_gui_get_download_list (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get download list from gui_window. More... | |
struct gui_window_2 * | ami_gui_get_gui_window_2 (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get gui_window_2 from gui_window. More... | |
struct gui_window * | ami_gui2_get_gui_window (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get gui_window from gui_window_2. More... | |
const char * | ami_gui_get_win_title (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get window title from gui_window. More... | |
const char * | ami_gui_get_tab_title (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get tab title from gui_window. More... | |
struct Node * | ami_gui_get_tab_node (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get tab node from gui_window. More... | |
ULONG | ami_gui2_get_tabs (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get tabs from gui_window_2. More... | |
struct List * | ami_gui2_get_tab_list (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get tab list from gui_window_2. More... | |
struct hlcache_handle * | ami_gui_get_favicon (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get favicon from gui_window. More... | |
struct ami_history_local_window * | ami_gui_get_history_window (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get local history window from gui_window. More... | |
void | ami_gui_set_history_window (struct gui_window *gw, struct ami_history_local_window *hw) |
Set local history window in gui_window. More... | |
void | ami_gui_set_find_window (struct gui_window *gw, struct find_window *fw) |
Set search window in gui_window. More... | |
bool | ami_gui_get_throbbing (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get throbbing status from gui_window. More... | |
void | ami_gui_set_throbbing (struct gui_window *gw, bool throbbing) |
Set throbbing status in gui_window. More... | |
int | ami_gui_get_throbber_frame (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get throbbing frame from gui_window. More... | |
void | ami_gui_set_throbber_frame (struct gui_window *gw, int frame) |
Set throbbing frame in gui_window. More... | |
Object * | ami_gui2_get_object (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int object_type) |
Get object from gui_window. More... | |
struct Window * | ami_gui2_get_window (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get window from gui_window_2. More... | |
struct Window * | ami_gui_get_window (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get window from gui_window. More... | |
struct Menu * | ami_gui_get_menu (struct gui_window *gw) |
Get imenu from gui_window. More... | |
void | ami_gui2_set_menu (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, struct Menu *menu) |
Set imenu to gui_window_2. More... | |
struct ami_menu_data ** | ami_gui2_get_menu_data (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get menu_data from gui_window_2. More... | |
void | ami_gui2_set_ctxmenu_history_tmp (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int temp) |
Set ctxmenu history tmp in gui_window_2. More... | |
int | ami_gui2_get_ctxmenu_history_tmp (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Get ctxmenu history tmp from gui_window_2. More... | |
Object * | ami_gui2_get_ctxmenu_history (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, ULONG direction) |
Get ctxmenu history from gui_window_2. More... | |
void | ami_gui2_set_ctxmenu_history (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, ULONG direction, Object *ctx_hist) |
Set ctxmenu history in gui_window_2. More... | |
void | ami_gui2_set_closed (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool closed) |
Set closed in gui_window_2. More... | |
void | ami_gui2_set_new_content (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool new_content) |
Set new_content in gui_window_2 Indicates the window needs redrawing. More... | |
void * | ami_window_at_pointer (int type) |
undocumented, or internal, or documented elsewhere More... | |
void | ami_set_pointer (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, gui_pointer_shape shape, bool update) |
void | ami_reset_pointer (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
STRPTR | ami_locale_langs (int *codeset) |
static bool | ami_gui_map_filename (char **remapped, const char *restrict path, const char *restrict file, const char *restrict map) |
static bool | ami_gui_check_resource (char *fullpath, const char *file) |
bool | ami_locate_resource (char *fullpath, const char *file) |
static void | ami_gui_resources_free (void) |
static bool | ami_gui_resources_open (void) |
static UWORD | ami_system_colour_scrollbar_fgpen (struct DrawInfo *drinfo) |
static nserror | colour_option_from_pen (UWORD pen, enum nsoption_e option, struct Screen *screen, colour def_colour) |
set option from pen More... | |
STRPTR | ami_gui_get_screen_title (void) |
Get the string for NetSurf's screen titlebar. More... | |
static void | ami_set_screen_defaults (struct Screen *screen) |
static nserror | ami_set_options (struct nsoption_s *defaults) |
Set option defaults for amiga frontend. More... | |
static void | ami_amiupdate (void) |
static nsurl * | gui_get_resource_url (const char *path) |
HOOKF (void, ami_gui_newprefs_hook, APTR, window, APTR) | |
static void | ami_openscreen (void) |
static void | ami_openscreenfirst (void) |
static struct RDArgs * | ami_gui_commandline (int *restrict argc, char **argv, int *restrict nargc, char **nargv) |
static char * | ami_gui_read_tooltypes (struct WBArg *wbarg) |
static STRPTR | ami_gui_read_all_tooltypes (int argc, char **argv) |
static void | gui_init2 (int argc, char **argv) |
static void | ami_update_buttons (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
void | ami_gui_history (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool back) |
int | ami_key_to_nskey (ULONG keycode, struct InputEvent *ie) |
int | ami_gui_get_quals (Object *win_obj) |
Get which qualifier keys are being pressed. More... | |
static void | ami_update_quals (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
nserror | ami_gui_get_space_box (Object *obj, struct IBox **bbox) |
Compatibility function to get space.gadget render area. More... | |
void | ami_gui_free_space_box (struct IBox *bbox) |
Free any data obtained via ami_gui_get_space_box(). More... | |
static bool | ami_spacebox_to_ns_coords (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int *restrict x, int *restrict y, int space_x, int space_y) |
bool | ami_mouse_to_ns_coords (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int *restrict x, int *restrict y, int mouse_x, int mouse_y) |
static void | ami_gui_scroll_internal (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int xs, int ys) |
static struct IBox * | ami_ns_rect_to_ibox (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, const struct rect *rect) |
static void | ami_gui_trap_mouse (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_menu_update_all (void) |
static nserror | gui_window_get_dimensions (struct gui_window *gw, int *restrict width, int *restrict height) |
Find the current dimensions of a amiga browser window content area. More... | |
static bool | ami_gui_hscroll_add (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static bool | ami_gui_hscroll_remove (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static bool | ami_gui_vscroll_add (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static bool | ami_gui_vscroll_remove (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_scroller_update (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Check the scroll bar requirements for a browser window, and add/remove the vertical scroller as appropriate. More... | |
static void | ami_gui_console_log_add (struct gui_window *g) |
static void | ami_gui_console_log_remove (struct gui_window *g) |
static bool | ami_gui_console_log_toggle (struct gui_window *g) |
static void | ami_gui_console_log_switch (struct gui_window *g) |
static void | gui_window_console_log (struct gui_window *g, browser_window_console_source src, const char *msg, size_t msglen, browser_window_console_flags flags) |
static void | gui_window_set_icon (struct gui_window *g, struct hlcache_handle *icon) |
function to add retrieved favicon to gui More... | |
static void | ami_gui_refresh_favicon (void *p) |
static void | ami_set_border_gadget_size (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static BOOL | ami_handle_msg (void) |
static BOOL | ami_gui_event (void *w) |
static void | ami_gui_appicon_remove (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static nserror | gui_page_info_change (struct gui_window *gw) |
static void | ami_handle_appmsg (void) |
static void | ami_handle_applib (void) |
void | ami_get_msg (void) |
static void | ami_change_tab (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, int direction) |
static void | gui_window_set_title (struct gui_window *g, const char *restrict title) |
static void | gui_window_update_extent (struct gui_window *g) |
static nserror | amiga_window_invalidate_area (struct gui_window *g, const struct rect *restrict rect) |
Invalidates an area of an amiga browser window. More... | |
static void | ami_switch_tab (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool redraw) |
void | ami_quit_netsurf (void) |
static void | ami_quit_netsurf_delayed (void) |
static void | ami_gui_close_screen (struct Screen *scrn, BOOL locked_screen, BOOL donotwait) |
void | ami_try_quit (void) |
static void | gui_quit (void) |
char * | ami_gui_get_cache_favicon_name (nsurl *url, bool only_if_avail) |
static void | ami_gui_cache_favicon (nsurl *url, struct bitmap *favicon) |
void | ami_gui_update_hotlist_button (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static bool | ami_gui_hotlist_add (void *userdata, int level, int item, const char *title, nsurl *url, bool is_folder) |
static int | ami_gui_hotlist_scan (struct List *speed_button_list, struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_add (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_free (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, struct List *speed_button_list) |
static void | ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_remove (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
void | ami_gui_hotlist_update_all (void) |
Update hotlist toolbar and recreate the menu for all windows. More... | |
static void | ami_toggletabbar (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool show) |
void | ami_gui_tabs_toggle_all (void) |
int | ami_gui_count_windows (int window, int *tabs) |
Count windows, and optionally tabs. More... | |
void | ami_gui_set_scale (struct gui_window *gw, float scale) |
Set the scale of a gui window. More... | |
void | ami_gui_adjust_scale (struct gui_window *gw, float adjustment) |
Adjust scale by specified amount. More... | |
nserror | ami_gui_new_blank_tab (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_do_redraw_tiled (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool busy, int left, int top, int width, int height, int sx, int sy, struct IBox *bbox, struct redraw_context *ctx) |
static void | ami_do_redraw_limits (struct gui_window *g, struct browser_window *bw, bool busy, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
Redraw an area of the browser window - Amiga-specific function. More... | |
static void | ami_refresh_window (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
HOOKF (void, ami_scroller_hook, Object *, object, struct IntuiMessage *) | |
nserror | ami_gui_win_list_add (void *win, int type, const struct ami_win_event_table *table) |
Add a window to the NetSurf window list (to enable event processing) More... | |
void | ami_gui_win_list_remove (void *win) |
Remove a window from the NetSurf window list. More... | |
static struct gui_window * | gui_window_create (struct browser_window *bw, struct gui_window *existing, gui_window_create_flags flags) |
static void | ami_gui_close_tabs (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool other_tabs) |
void | ami_gui_close_window (void *w) |
Close a window and all tabs attached to it. More... | |
void | ami_gui_close_inactive_tabs (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
Close all tabs in a window except the active one. More... | |
static void | gui_window_destroy (struct gui_window *g) |
static void | ami_redraw_callback (void *p) |
void | ami_schedule_redraw (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, bool full_redraw) |
Schedule a redraw of the browser window - Amiga-specific function. More... | |
static void | ami_schedule_redraw_remove (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred (struct gui_window *g, bool draw) |
bool | ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred_check (struct MinList *deferred_rects, const struct rect *restrict new_rect, APTR mempool) |
Check rect is not already queued for redraw. More... | |
static void | ami_do_redraw (struct gui_window_2 *gwin) |
static void | ami_get_hscroll_pos (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, ULONG *xs) |
static void | ami_get_vscroll_pos (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, ULONG *ys) |
static bool | gui_window_get_scroll (struct gui_window *g, int *restrict sx, int *restrict sy) |
static nserror | gui_window_set_scroll (struct gui_window *g, const struct rect *rect) |
Set the scroll position of a amiga browser window. More... | |
static void | gui_window_set_status (struct gui_window *g, const char *text) |
static nserror | gui_window_set_url (struct gui_window *g, nsurl *url) |
HOOKF (uint32, ami_set_favicon_render_hook, APTR, space, struct gpRender *) | |
static nserror | gui_search_web_provider_update (const char *provider_name, struct bitmap *ico_bitmap) |
Gui callback when search provider details are updated. More... | |
HOOKF (uint32, ami_set_throbber_render_hook, APTR, space, struct gpRender *) | |
HOOKF (uint32, ami_gui_browser_render_hook, APTR, space, struct gpRender *) | |
static void | gui_window_place_caret (struct gui_window *g, int x, int y, int height, const struct rect *clip) |
static void | gui_window_remove_caret (struct gui_window *g) |
static void | gui_window_new_content (struct gui_window *g) |
static bool | gui_window_drag_start (struct gui_window *g, gui_drag_type type, const struct rect *rect) |
bool | ami_text_box_at_point (struct gui_window_2 *gwin, ULONG *restrict x, ULONG *restrict y) |
BOOL | ami_gadget_hit (Object *obj, int x, int y) |
static Object * | ami_gui_splash_open (void) |
static void | ami_gui_splash_close (Object *win_obj) |
static void | gui_file_gadget_open (struct gui_window *g, struct hlcache_handle *hl, struct form_control *gadget) |
uint32 | ami_gui_get_app_id (void) |
Get the application.library ID NetSurf is registered as. More... | |
static char * | ami_gui_get_user_dir (STRPTR current_user) |
static nserror | gui_window_event (struct gui_window *gw, enum gui_window_event event) |
process miscellaneous window events More... | |
int | main (int argc, char **argv) |
Normal entry point from OS. More... | |
Variables | |
struct gui_utf8_table * | amiga_utf8_table |
static struct MinList * | window_list = NULL |
static struct Screen * | scrn = NULL |
static struct MsgPort * | sport = NULL |
static struct gui_window * | cur_gw = NULL |
static bool | ami_quit = false |
static struct MsgPort * | schedulermsgport = NULL |
static struct MsgPort * | appport |
static BOOL | locked_screen = FALSE |
static int | screen_signal = -1 |
static bool | win_destroyed |
static STRPTR | nsscreentitle |
static struct gui_globals * | browserglob = NULL |
static struct MsgPort * | applibport = NULL |
static uint32 | ami_appid = 0 |
static ULONG | applibsig = 0 |
static ULONG | rxsig = 0 |
static struct Hook | newprefs_hook |
static STRPTR | temp_homepage_url = NULL |
static bool | cli_force = false |
static char * | users_dir = NULL |
static char * | current_user_dir |
static char * | current_user_faviconcache |
static const struct ami_win_event_table | ami_gui_table |
static struct gui_window_table | amiga_window_table |
static struct gui_fetch_table | amiga_fetch_table |
static struct gui_search_web_table | amiga_search_web_table |
static struct gui_misc_table | amiga_misc_table |
#define nsoption_default_set_int | ( | OPTION, | |
VALUE | |||
) |
anonymous enum |
static |
Definition at line 1189 of file gui.c.
References DevNameFromLock, DN_FULLPATH, FClose, and FOpen.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 3599 of file gui.c.
References ami_switch_tab(), GetPred(), GetSucc(), GID_TABS, gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::tab_node, gui_window_2::tabs, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_event().
static |
Definition at line 5719 of file gui.c.
References ami_do_redraw_tiled(), ami_get_hscroll_pos(), ami_get_vscroll_pos(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred(), ami_spacebox_to_ns_coords(), ami_update_buttons(), amiga_warn_user(), amiga_window_invalidate_area(), amiplot, browser_window_redraw_ready(), browserglob, gui_window::bw, gui_window::c_h, gui_window::c_h_temp, GID_BROWSER, gui_window_remove_caret(), gui_window_2::gw, height, redraw_context::interactive, gui_window_2::new_content, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window_2::oldh, gui_window_2::oldv, gui_window_2::redraw_required, gui_window_2::redraw_scroll, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, width, gui_window_2::win, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by ami_redraw_callback().
static |
Redraw an area of the browser window - Amiga-specific function.
g | a struct gui_window |
bw | a struct browser_window |
busy | busy flag passed to tiled redraw. |
x0 | top-left co-ordinate (in document co-ordinates) |
y0 | top-left co-ordinate (in document co-ordinates) |
x1 | bottom-right co-ordinate (in document co-ordinates) |
y1 | bottom-right co-ordinate (in document co-ordinates) |
Definition at line 4514 of file gui.c.
References ami_do_redraw_tiled(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), amiga_warn_user(), amiplot, browser_window_redraw_ready(), browserglob, GID_BROWSER, gui_window_2::gw, redraw_context::interactive, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred(), and gui_window_remove_caret().
static |
Definition at line 4413 of file gui.c.
References ami_clearclipreg(), ami_plot_ra_get_bitmap(), ami_plot_ra_get_size(), ami_plot_ra_set_pen_list(), ami_reset_pointer(), ami_set_pointer(), browser_window_redraw(), gui_window::bw, clip(), GUI_POINTER_WAIT, gui_window_2::gw, height, redraw_context::priv, gui_window_2::shared_pens, width, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), and ami_do_redraw_limits().
BOOL ami_gadget_hit | ( | Object * | obj, |
int | x, | ||
int | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 6206 of file gui.c.
References GetAttrs(), height, and width.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection().
static |
Definition at line 5817 of file gui.c.
References GID_HSCROLL, and gui_window_2::objects.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_gui_event(), ami_text_box_at_point(), and gui_window_get_scroll().
void ami_get_msg | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 3531 of file gui.c.
References ami_arexx_handle(), ami_handle_applib(), ami_handle_appmsg(), ami_handle_msg(), ami_help_process(), ami_help_signal(), ami_print_cont(), ami_print_get_msgport(), ami_quit_netsurf_delayed(), ami_schedule_handle(), applibsig, appport, fetch_fdset(), NSERROR_OK, NSLOG, rxsig, schedulermsgport, and sport.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 5827 of file gui.c.
References GID_VSCROLL, and gui_window_2::objects.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_gui_event(), ami_text_box_at_point(), and gui_window_get_scroll().
struct browser_window * ami_gui2_get_browser_window | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get browser window from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 427 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_get_browser_window(), and gui_window_2::gw.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection(), ami_file_open(), ami_file_save_req(), ami_history_global_drag_end(), ami_hotlist_drag_end(), and HOOKF().
Object * ami_gui2_get_ctxmenu_history | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
ULONG | direction | ||
) |
Get ctxmenu history from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 618 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::history_ctxmenu.
int ami_gui2_get_ctxmenu_history_tmp | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get ctxmenu history tmp from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 612 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::temp.
struct gui_window * ami_gui2_get_gui_window | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get gui_window from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 445 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::gw.
Referenced by ami_file_save_req(), ami_find_tab_gwin(), and HOOKF().
struct ami_menu_data ** ami_gui2_get_menu_data | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get menu_data from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 600 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::menu_data.
Referenced by ami_gui_menu_create().
Object * ami_gui2_get_object | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
int | object_type | ||
) |
Get object from gui_window.
Definition at line 536 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection(), ami_gui_menu_free(), ami_gui_menu_update_checked(), ami_throbber_update(), gui_window_start_throbber(), and gui_window_stop_throbber().
struct List * ami_gui2_get_tab_list | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get tab list from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 476 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::tab_list.
Referenced by ami_find_tab_bw(), and ami_find_tab_gwin().
ULONG ami_gui2_get_tabs | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get tabs from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 470 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::tabs.
Referenced by ami_find_tab_bw(), ami_find_tab_gwin(), gui_window_start_throbber(), gui_window_stop_throbber(), and RXHOOKF().
struct Window * ami_gui2_get_window | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Get window from gui_window_2.
Definition at line 572 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection(), ami_file_open(), ami_file_save_req(), ami_gui_get_window(), ami_gui_menu_update_checked(), ami_reset_pointer(), ami_set_pointer(), and HOOKF().
void ami_gui2_set_closed | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
bool | closed | ||
) |
Set closed in gui_window_2.
Definition at line 630 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::closed.
Referenced by HOOKF().
void ami_gui2_set_ctxmenu_history | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
ULONG | direction, | ||
Object * | ctx_hist | ||
) |
Set ctxmenu history in gui_window_2.
Definition at line 624 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::history_ctxmenu.
void ami_gui2_set_ctxmenu_history_tmp | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
int | temp | ||
) |
Set ctxmenu history tmp in gui_window_2.
Definition at line 606 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::temp.
void ami_gui2_set_menu | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
struct Menu * | menu | ||
) |
Set imenu to gui_window_2.
A value of NULL will free the menu (and menu_data!)
Definition at line 591 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_menu_freemenus(), gui_window_2::imenu, and gui_window_2::menu_data.
Referenced by ami_gui_menu_create(), and ami_gui_menu_free().
void ami_gui2_set_new_content | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
bool | new_content | ||
) |
Set new_content in gui_window_2 Indicates the window needs redrawing.
Definition at line 636 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::new_content.
Referenced by HOOKF().
void ami_gui_adjust_scale | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
float | adjustment | ||
) |
Adjust scale by specified amount.
Definition at line 4383 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), browser_window_set_scale(), gui_window::bw, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 3268 of file gui.c.
References amiga_icon_free(), gui_window_2::appicon, and gui_window_2::dobj.
Referenced by ami_handle_appmsg(), and gui_window_destroy().
void ami_gui_beep | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 416 of file gui.c.
References scrn.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection(), ami_history_global_drag_end(), and ami_hotlist_drag_end().
Definition at line 3991 of file gui.c.
References AMI_BITMAP_SCALE_ICON, ami_gui_get_cache_favicon_name(), and amiga_bitmap_save().
Referenced by ami_gui_update_hotlist_button().
static |
Definition at line 794 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_map_filename(), netsurf_mkpath(), and NSLOG.
Referenced by ami_locate_resource().
void ami_gui_close_inactive_tabs | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Close all tabs in a window except the active one.
gwin | gui_window_2 to act upon. |
Definition at line 5479 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_close_tabs().
static |
Definition at line 3877 of file gui.c.
References locked_screen, NSLOG, screen_signal, and scrn.
Referenced by ami_try_quit(), and gui_quit().
static |
Definition at line 5443 of file gui.c.
References amiga_warn_user_multi(), browser_window_destroy(), gui_window::bw, GetHead(), GetSucc(), gui_window_2::gw, messages_get(), nsoption_bool, gui_window::tab, gui_window_2::tab_list, gui_window_2::tabs, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_close_inactive_tabs(), and ami_gui_close_window().
void ami_gui_close_window | ( | void * | w | ) |
Close a window and all tabs attached to it.
w | gui_window_2 to act upon. |
Definition at line 5473 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_close_tabs(), and gui_window_2::w.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and RXHOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 1330 of file gui.c.
References ASPrintf(), cli_force, NSLOG, temp_homepage_url, and users_dir.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 2271 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), GID_LOG, GID_LOGLAYOUT, GID_MAIN, IDoMethod, LBS_ROWS, LISTBROWSER_Striping, ListBrowserObj, gui_window::logcolumns, gui_window::loglist, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_console_log_toggle().
static |
Definition at line 2306 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), GID_LOG, GID_LOGLAYOUT, GID_MAIN, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_console_log_toggle().
static |
Definition at line 2339 of file gui.c.
References GID_LOG, gui_window::logcolumns, gui_window::loglist, gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_switch_tab().
static |
Definition at line 2328 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_console_log_add(), ami_gui_console_log_remove(), GID_LOG, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_event().
int ami_gui_count_windows | ( | int | window, |
int * | tabs | ||
) |
Count windows, and optionally tabs.
window | window to count tabs of |
tabs | if window > 0, will be updated to contain the number of tabs in that window, unchanged otherwise |
Definition at line 4349 of file gui.c.
References AMINS_WINDOW, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, nsObject::objstruct, gui_window_2::tabs, tabs, nsObject::Type, and window_list.
Referenced by gui_window_create(), and RXHOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 2632 of file gui.c.
References ami_change_tab(), ami_drag_has_data(), ami_drag_icon_move(), ami_drag_save(), AMI_DRAG_THRESHOLD, ami_get_hscroll_pos(), ami_get_vscroll_pos(), ami_gui_adjust_scale(), ami_gui_close_window(), ami_gui_console_log_toggle(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_gui_history(), ami_gui_new_blank_tab(), ami_gui_refresh_favicon(), ami_gui_scroll_internal(), ami_gui_set_scale(), ami_gui_trap_mouse(), ami_gui_update_hotlist_button(), AMI_HELP_GUI, ami_help_open(), ami_key_to_nskey(), ami_pageinfo_open(), ami_schedule(), ami_set_border_gadget_size(), ami_set_pointer(), ami_switch_tab(), ami_throbber_redraw_schedule(), ami_to_utf8_easy(), ami_update_quals(), ami_utf8_free(), amiga_icon_from_bitmap(), amiga_icon_superimpose_favicon_internal(), amiga_warn_user(), gui_window_2::appicon, appport, BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1, BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2, BROWSER_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK, BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_1, BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_2, BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_ON, BROWSER_MOUSE_HOLDING_1, BROWSER_MOUSE_HOLDING_2, BROWSER_MOUSE_MOD_1, BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1, BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_2, BROWSER_MOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK, browser_window_destroy(), browser_window_history_get_thumbnail(), browser_window_key_press(), browser_window_mouse_click(), browser_window_mouse_track(), browser_window_navigate(), browser_window_reload(), browser_window_reload_available(), browser_window_schedule_reformat(), browser_window_stop(), browser_window_stop_available(), gui_window::bw, BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, gui_window::c_h, gui_window::c_h_temp, CLICKTAB_NodeClosed, gui_window_2::closed, cur_gw, gui_window_2::dobj, EXTRAUP, gui_window::favicon, GetAttrs(), GID_ADDTAB, GID_BACK, GID_BROWSER, GID_CLOSETAB, GID_FAVE, GID_FORWARD, GID_HOME, GID_HOTLIST, GID_MAIN, GID_PAGEINFO, GID_RELOAD, GID_SEARCH_ICON, GID_SEARCHSTRING, GID_STOP, GID_TABS, GID_TOOLBARLAYOUT, GID_URL, GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT, gui_window_get_scroll(), gui_window_remove_caret(), gui_window_set_scroll(), gui_window_2::gw, height, hotlist_add_url(), hotlist_has_url(), hotlist_remove_url(), gui_window_2::icontitle, gui_window_2::key_state, gui_window_2::lastclick, messages_get_errorcode(), gui_window_2::mouse_state, NS_KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION, NS_KEY_COPY_SELECTION, NS_KEY_DELETE_LEFT, NS_KEY_DOWN, NS_KEY_LEFT, NS_KEY_LINE_END, NS_KEY_LINE_START, NS_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, NS_KEY_PAGE_UP, NS_KEY_RIGHT, NS_KEY_TEXT_END, NS_KEY_TEXT_START, NS_KEY_UP, NS_KEY_WORD_LEFT, NS_KEY_WORD_RIGHT, NSA_KBD_SCROLL_PX, NSERROR_OK, NSLOG, nsoption_bool, nsoption_charp, nsoption_set_charp, nsurl_create(), nsurl_unref(), gui_window_2::objects, OID_MAIN, gui_window_2::prev_mouse_state, RAWKEY_F10, RAWKEY_F12, RAWKEY_F5, RAWKEY_F8, RAWKEY_F9, RAWKEY_HELP, result, scrn, SCROLL_BOTTOM, SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN, SCROLL_PAGE_UP, SCROLL_TOP, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, search_web_omni(), SEARCH_WEB_OMNI_NONE, SEARCH_WEB_OMNI_SEARCHONLY, search_web_select_provider(), SIDEUP, gui_window::url, gui_window_2::w, width, gui_window_2::win, win_destroyed, gui_window_2::wintitle, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
void ami_gui_free_space_box | ( | struct IBox * | bbox | ) |
Free any data obtained via ami_gui_get_space_box().
bbox | A pointer to a struct IBox. |
Definition at line 1876 of file gui.c.
References LIB_IS_AT_LEAST.
Referenced by ami_cw_mouse_pos(), ami_cw_redraw(), ami_cw_redraw_rect(), ami_cw_window_size(), ami_do_redraw(), ami_do_redraw_limits(), ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_scroll_internal(), ami_mouse_to_ns_coords(), ami_ns_rect_to_ibox(), ami_refresh_window(), ami_switch_tab(), ami_text_box_at_point(), ami_throbber_update(), gui_window_get_dimensions(), gui_window_place_caret(), gui_window_set_icon(), gui_window_set_scroll(), gui_window_stop_throbber(), and gui_window_update_extent().
struct gui_window * ami_gui_get_active_gw | ( | void | ) |
Get a pointer to the gui_window which NetSurf considers to be the current/active one.
Definition at line 400 of file gui.c.
References cur_gw.
Referenced by ami_gui_opts_event(), ami_misc_req(), and RXHOOKF().
uint32 ami_gui_get_app_id | ( | void | ) |
Get the application.library ID NetSurf is registered as.
Definition at line 6349 of file gui.c.
References ami_appid.
Referenced by gui_download_window_create(), gui_download_window_data(), and gui_download_window_done().
struct browser_window * ami_gui_get_browser_window | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get browser window from gui_window.
Definition at line 421 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::bw.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection(), ami_find_tab_bw(), ami_gui2_get_browser_window(), ami_gui_menu_update_disabled(), ami_gui_opts_event(), ami_history_local_present(), ami_search_close(), ami_search_event(), ami_search_open(), gui_download_window_create(), gui_page_info_change(), gui_start_selection(), and RXHOOKF().
char * ami_gui_get_cache_favicon_name | ( | nsurl * | url, |
bool | only_if_avail | ||
) |
Definition at line 3971 of file gui.c.
References ASPrintf(), current_user_faviconcache, NSLOG, and nsurl_hash().
Referenced by ami_gui_cache_favicon(), ami_gui_hotlist_add(), and ami_menu_hotlist_add().
struct List * ami_gui_get_download_list | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get download list from gui_window.
Definition at line 433 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::dllist.
Referenced by gui_download_window_create(), and RXHOOKF().
struct hlcache_handle * ami_gui_get_favicon | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get favicon from gui_window.
Definition at line 482 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::favicon.
Referenced by ami_file_save_req().
struct gui_window_2 * ami_gui_get_gui_window_2 | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get gui_window_2 from gui_window.
Definition at line 439 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::gw, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_throbber_update(), gui_page_info_change(), gui_window_save_link(), gui_window_set_pointer(), gui_window_start_throbber(), gui_window_stop_throbber(), and RXHOOKF().
struct ami_history_local_window * ami_gui_get_history_window | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get local history window from gui_window.
Definition at line 488 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, and gui_window::hw.
Referenced by ami_history_local_present().
struct Menu * ami_gui_get_menu | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get imenu from gui_window.
Definition at line 584 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::imenu, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_menu_update_disabled(), and gui_start_selection().
int ami_gui_get_quals | ( | Object * | win_obj | ) |
Get which qualifier keys are being pressed.
Definition at line 1828 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_cw_event(), and ami_update_quals().
struct Screen * ami_gui_get_screen | ( | void | ) |
Get a pointer to the screen NetSurf is running on.
Definition at line 405 of file gui.c.
References scrn.
Referenced by ami_bitmap(), ami_bitmap_get_generic(), ami_clearclipreg(), ami_cookies_create_window(), ami_cw_drag_end(), ami_file_open(), ami_file_save_req(), ami_font_scan_gui_open(), ami_gui_opts_event(), ami_gui_opts_open(), ami_history_global_create_window(), ami_history_local_create_window(), ami_hotlist_create_window(), ami_menu_layout_gt(), ami_pageinfo_create_window(), ami_plot_obtain_pen(), ami_plot_ra_alloc(), ami_plot_release_pens(), ami_print_progress(), ami_print_ui(), ami_search_open(), gui_download_window_create(), gui_window_save_link(), HOOKF(), and RXHOOKF().
STRPTR ami_gui_get_screen_title | ( | void | ) |
Get the string for NetSurf's screen titlebar.
Definition at line 976 of file gui.c.
References ASPrintf(), netsurf_version, and nsscreentitle.
Referenced by ami_cookies_create_window(), ami_font_scan_gui_open(), ami_gui_opts_open(), ami_history_global_create_window(), ami_history_local_create_window(), ami_hotlist_create_window(), ami_openscreen(), ami_pageinfo_create_window(), ami_print_progress(), ami_print_ui(), ami_search_open(), gui_download_window_create(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_set_title().
nserror ami_gui_get_space_box | ( | Object * | obj, |
struct IBox ** | bbox | ||
) |
Compatibility function to get space.gadget render area.
obj | A space.gadget object. |
bbox | A pointer to a struct IBox *. |
Definition at line 1859 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_cw_mouse_pos(), ami_cw_redraw(), ami_cw_redraw_rect(), ami_cw_window_size(), ami_do_redraw(), ami_do_redraw_limits(), ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_scroll_internal(), ami_mouse_to_ns_coords(), ami_ns_rect_to_ibox(), ami_refresh_window(), ami_switch_tab(), ami_text_box_at_point(), ami_throbber_update(), gui_window_get_dimensions(), gui_window_place_caret(), gui_window_set_icon(), gui_window_set_scroll(), gui_window_stop_throbber(), and gui_window_update_extent().
struct Node * ami_gui_get_tab_node | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get tab node from gui_window.
Definition at line 464 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::tab_node.
Referenced by gui_window_start_throbber(), and gui_window_stop_throbber().
const char * ami_gui_get_tab_title | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get tab title from gui_window.
Definition at line 458 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::tabtitle.
Referenced by RXHOOKF().
int ami_gui_get_throbber_frame | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get throbbing frame from gui_window.
Definition at line 522 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::throbber_frame.
Referenced by ami_throbber_update(), and gui_window_start_throbber().
bool ami_gui_get_throbbing | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get throbbing status from gui_window.
Definition at line 510 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, and gui_window::throbbing.
Referenced by ami_throbber_update().
static |
Definition at line 6357 of file gui.c.
References ami_misc_fatal_error(), ami_nsoption_set_location(), ASPrintf(), CreateDirTree, current_user_dir, current_user_faviconcache, LIB_IS_AT_LEAST, NSLOG, USERS_DIR, and users_dir.
Referenced by main().
const char * ami_gui_get_win_title | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get window title from gui_window.
Definition at line 451 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::wintitle.
Referenced by RXHOOKF().
struct Window * ami_gui_get_window | ( | struct gui_window * | gw | ) |
Get window from gui_window.
Definition at line 578 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui2_get_window(), and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_menu_update_disabled(), ami_misc_req(), ami_search_event(), ami_throbber_update(), gui_download_window_create(), gui_start_selection(), gui_window_save_link(), gui_window_start_throbber(), and gui_window_stop_throbber().
struct MinList * ami_gui_get_window_list | ( | void | ) |
Get the window list.
\TODO: Nothing should be poking around in this list, but we aren't assigning unique IDs to windows (ARexx interface needs this) ami_find_gwin_by_id() is close but not ARexx-friendly
Definition at line 410 of file gui.c.
References window_list.
Referenced by ami_find_tab(), and RXHOOKF().
void ami_gui_history | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
bool | back | ||
) |
Definition at line 1690 of file gui.c.
References ami_update_buttons(), browser_window_back_available(), browser_window_forward_available(), browser_window_history_back(), browser_window_history_forward(), gui_window::bw, and gui_window_2::gw.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and RXHOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 4026 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_get_cache_favicon_name(), AMI_GUI_TOOLBAR_MAX, ami_locate_resource(), ASPrintf(), BitMapObj, ami_gui_tb_userdata::gw, gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_lab, ami_gui_tb_userdata::items, LabelObj, NSA_MAX_HOTLIST_BUTTON_LEN, NSERROR_OK, nsurl_access(), ami_gui_tb_userdata::sblist, SBNA_HintInfo, scrn, and utf8_to_local_encoding().
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_scan().
static |
Definition at line 4082 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_hotlist_add(), ami_hotlist_scan(), ami_gui_tb_userdata::gw, ami_gui_tb_userdata::items, messages_get(), and ami_gui_tb_userdata::sblist.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_add(), and ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update().
static |
Definition at line 4093 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_hotlist_scan(), ami_schedule_redraw(), BevelObj, GID_HOTLIST, GID_HOTLISTLAYOUT, GID_HOTLISTSEPBAR, GID_MAIN, gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_list, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, SpeedBarObj, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update(), and gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 4141 of file gui.c.
References AMI_GUI_TOOLBAR_MAX, GetHead(), GetSucc(), gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_lab, and nsoption_bool.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update(), and gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 4166 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), GID_HOTLIST, GID_HOTLISTLAYOUT, GID_HOTLISTSEPBAR, GID_MAIN, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update().
static |
Definition at line 4188 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_hotlist_scan(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_add(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_free(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_remove(), GID_HOTLIST, gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_list, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_update_all().
void ami_gui_hotlist_update_all | ( | void | ) |
Update hotlist toolbar and recreate the menu for all windows.
Definition at line 4216 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_update(), ami_gui_menu_refresh_hotlist(), AMINS_WINDOW, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, nsObject::objstruct, nsObject::Type, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_hotlist_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 2113 of file gui.c.
References GID_HSCROLL, GID_HSCROLLLAYOUT, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, ScrollerObj, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroller_update().
static |
Definition at line 2141 of file gui.c.
References GID_HSCROLL, GID_HSCROLLLAYOUT, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroller_update().
static |
Definition at line 745 of file gui.c.
References buffer, FClose, FOpen, netsurf_mkpath(), NSLOG, and path().
Referenced by ami_gui_check_resource(), ami_locale_langs(), and ami_locate_resource().
static |
Definition at line 2058 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_menu_update_checked(), AMINS_WINDOW, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, nsObject::objstruct, nsObject::Type, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_handle_msg().
nserror ami_gui_new_blank_tab | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Definition at line 4389 of file gui.c.
References amiga_warn_user(), browser_window_create(), browser_window::bw, gui_window::bw, BW_CREATE_FOREGROUND, BW_CREATE_HISTORY, BW_CREATE_TAB, gui_window_2::gw, messages_get_errorcode(), NSERROR_OK, nsoption_charp, nsurl_create(), and nsurl_unref().
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 1409 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_read_tooltypes(), and SetCurrentDir.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 1391 of file gui.c.
References ASPrintf(), and users_dir.
Referenced by ami_gui_read_all_tooltypes().
static |
Definition at line 2535 of file gui.c.
References gui_window::favicon, gui_window_set_icon(), and gui_window_2::gw.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), gui_window_create(), gui_window_destroy(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 880 of file gui.c.
References ami_object_fini(), ami_schedule_free(), appport, ASOT_PORT, FreeSysObject(), schedulermsgport, and sport.
Referenced by gui_quit(), and main().
static |
Definition at line 890 of file gui.c.
References AllocSysObjectTags, ami_misc_fatal_error(), ami_object_init(), ami_schedule_create(), appport, ASO_NoTrack, ASOT_PORT, MakeStringClass(), NSERROR_OK, schedulermsgport, and sport.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 1925 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_mouse_to_ns_coords(), amiga_warn_user(), browser_window_get_extents(), browser_window_scroll_at_point(), gui_window::bw, GID_BROWSER, gui_window_get_scroll(), gui_window_set_scroll(), gui_window_2::gw, height, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, SCROLL_BOTTOM, SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN, SCROLL_PAGE_UP, SCROLL_TOP, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, width, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and HOOKF().
static |
Check the scroll bar requirements for a browser window, and add/remove the vertical scroller as appropriate.
This should be the main entry point used to perform this task.
gwin | "Shared" GUI window to check the state of |
Definition at line 2209 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_hscroll_add(), ami_gui_hscroll_remove(), ami_gui_vscroll_add(), ami_gui_vscroll_remove(), browser_window_get_extents(), browser_window_get_scrollbar_type(), browser_window_is_frameset(), browser_window_schedule_reformat(), gui_window::bw, BW_SCROLLING_NO, BW_SCROLLING_YES, GID_MAIN, gui_window_get_dimensions(), gui_window_2::gw, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_switch_tab(), gui_window_new_content(), and gui_window_update_extent().
void ami_gui_set_find_window | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
struct find_window * | fw | ||
) |
Set search window in gui_window.
Definition at line 500 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, gui_window_2::searchwin, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_search_close(), and ami_search_open().
void ami_gui_set_history_window | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
struct ami_history_local_window * | hw | ||
) |
Set local history window in gui_window.
Definition at line 494 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, and gui_window::hw.
Referenced by ami_history_local_destroy(), and ami_history_local_present().
void ami_gui_set_scale | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
float | scale | ||
) |
Set the scale of a gui window.
gw | gui_window to set scale for |
scale | scale to set |
Definition at line 4377 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), browser_window_set_scale(), gui_window::bw, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), and HOOKF().
void ami_gui_set_throbber_frame | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
int | frame | ||
) |
Set throbbing frame in gui_window.
Definition at line 529 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::throbber_frame.
Referenced by ami_throbber_update(), and gui_window_start_throbber().
void ami_gui_set_throbbing | ( | struct gui_window * | gw, |
bool | throbbing | ||
) |
Set throbbing status in gui_window.
Definition at line 516 of file gui.c.
References ami_history_local_window::gw, and gui_window::throbbing.
Referenced by gui_window_start_throbber(), and gui_window_stop_throbber().
static |
static |
Definition at line 6222 of file gui.c.
References ami_font_close_disk_font(), ami_font_open_disk_font(), BitMapObj, GetAttrs(), LayoutVObj, netsurf_version, NSLOG, RPTAG_APenColor, WA_ToolBox, and WindowObj.
Referenced by main().
void ami_gui_tabs_toggle_all | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 4313 of file gui.c.
References ami_toggletabbar(), AMINS_WINDOW, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, nsoption_bool, nsObject::objstruct, gui_window_2::tabs, nsObject::Type, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_gui_opts_use().
static |
Definition at line 2037 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::drag_op, GDRAGGING_NONE, GDRAGGING_OTHER, GDRAGGING_SCROLLBAR, gui_window_2::ptr_lock, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_event().
void ami_gui_update_hotlist_button | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Definition at line 4001 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_cache_favicon(), content_get_bitmap(), gui_window::favicon, GID_FAVE, GID_FAVE_ADD, GID_FAVE_RMV, GID_URL, gui_window_2::gw, hotlist_has_url(), NSERROR_OK, nsurl_create(), nsurl_unref(), gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_switch_tab(), gui_window_new_content(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 2159 of file gui.c.
References GID_VSCROLL, GID_VSCROLLLAYOUT, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, ScrollerObj, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroller_update().
static |
Definition at line 2186 of file gui.c.
References GID_VSCROLL, GID_VSCROLLLAYOUT, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroller_update().
nserror ami_gui_win_list_add | ( | void * | win, |
int | type, | ||
const struct ami_win_event_table * | table | ||
) |
Add a window to the NetSurf window list (to enable event processing)
Definition at line 4670 of file gui.c.
References AddObject(), ami_generic_window::node, NSERROR_NOMEM, NSERROR_OK, nsObject::objstruct, ami_generic_window::tbl, type, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_corewindow_init(), ami_gui_opts_open(), ami_print_ui(), ami_search_open(), gui_download_window_create(), and gui_window_create().
void ami_gui_win_list_remove | ( | void * | win | ) |
Remove a window from the NetSurf window list.
Definition at line 4684 of file gui.c.
References AMINS_TVWINDOW, DelObject(), DelObjectNoFree(), ami_generic_window::node, and nsObject::Type.
Referenced by ami_corewindow_fini(), ami_gui_opts_close(), ami_print_close(), ami_search_close(), gui_download_window_done(), and gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 5650 of file gui.c.
References ami_do_redraw_limits(), ami_memory_itempool_free, ami_reset_pointer(), ami_set_pointer(), gui_window::bw, gui_window::deferred_rects, gui_window::deferred_rects_pool, DelObjectNoFree(), GetHead(), GetSucc(), GUI_POINTER_WAIT, IsMinListEmpty, NSLOG, nsObject::objstruct, gui_window::shared, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), and ami_redraw_callback().
bool ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred_check | ( | struct MinList * | deferred_rects, |
const struct rect *restrict | new_rect, | ||
APTR | mempool | ||
) |
Check rect is not already queued for redraw.
Definition at line 5681 of file gui.c.
References ami_memory_itempool_free, DelObjectNoFree(), GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, NSLOG, nsObject::objstruct, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by ami_cw_redraw(), and amiga_window_invalidate_area().
static |
Definition at line 3443 of file gui.c.
References ami_download_parse_backmsg(), ami_gui_opts_open(), ami_quit_netsurf(), amiga_warn_user(), applibport, browser_window_create(), browser_window::bw, BW_CREATE_HISTORY, cur_gw, messages_get_errorcode(), netsurf_path_to_nsurl(), NSERROR_OK, NSLOG, nsoption_charp, nsurl_create(), nsurl_unref(), scrn, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_get_msg().
static |
Definition at line 3328 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_appicon_remove(), ami_mouse_to_ns_coords(), amiga_warn_user(), appport, browser_window_create(), browser_window_drop_file_at_point(), browser_window_navigate(), gui_window::bw, BW_CREATE_CLONE, BW_CREATE_HISTORY, BW_CREATE_TAB, BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, gui_window_2::gw, netsurf_path_to_nsurl(), NSERROR_OK, nsurl_unref(), ShowWindow, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_get_msg().
static |
Definition at line 2586 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_menu_get_check_toggled(), ami_gui_menu_quit_selected(), ami_gui_menu_update_all(), ami_quit_netsurf(), ami_try_quit(), AMINS_GUIOPTSWINDOW, ami_win_event_table::event, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, nsObject::objstruct, scrn, ami_generic_window::tbl, nsObject::Type, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_get_msg().
int ami_key_to_nskey | ( | ULONG | keycode, |
struct InputEvent * | ie | ||
) |
Definition at line 1706 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_cw_event(), and ami_gui_event().
STRPTR ami_locale_langs | ( | int * | codeset | ) |
Definition at line 704 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_map_filename(), and ASPrintf().
Referenced by ami_gui_opts_event(), and ami_set_options().
bool ami_locate_resource | ( | char * | fullpath, |
const char * | file | ||
) |
Definition at line 816 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_check_resource(), ami_gui_map_filename(), current_user_dir, netsurf_mkpath(), and nsoption_charp.
Referenced by ami_gui_hotlist_add(), ami_menu_alloc_item(), gui_get_resource_url(), and main().
bool ami_mouse_to_ns_coords | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
int *restrict | x, | ||
int *restrict | y, | ||
int | mouse_x, | ||
int | mouse_y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1900 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_spacebox_to_ns_coords(), amiga_warn_user(), GID_BROWSER, mouse_x, mouse_y, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroll_internal(), and ami_handle_appmsg().
static |
Definition at line 2002 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), amiga_warn_user(), GID_BROWSER, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window_2::win, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by gui_window_drag_start().
static |
Definition at line 1236 of file gui.c.
References ami_font_setdevicedpi(), ami_gui_get_screen_title(), ami_help_new_screen(), ami_nsoption_write(), ami_set_screen_defaults(), locked_screen, NSLOG, nsoption_charp, nsoption_int, nsoption_set_charp, SA_Compositing, screen_signal, and scrn.
Referenced by ami_openscreenfirst().
static |
Definition at line 1323 of file gui.c.
References ami_openscreen(), ami_plot_ra_alloc(), ami_theme_throbber_setup(), and browserglob.
Referenced by gui_init2(), and gui_window_create().
void ami_quit_netsurf | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 3818 of file gui.c.
References ami_quit, AMINS_WINDOW, ami_win_event_table::close, GetHead(), GetSucc(), IsMinListEmpty, ami_generic_window::node, nsoption_set_bool, nsObject::objstruct, ShowWindow, ami_generic_window::tbl, nsObject::Type, gui_window_2::w, gui_window_2::win, win_destroyed, WINDOW_BACKMOST, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_handle_applib(), ami_handle_msg(), ami_quit_netsurf_delayed(), and RXHOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 3852 of file gui.c.
References ami_quit_netsurf(), ami_utf8_easy(), and messages_get().
Referenced by ami_get_msg().
static |
Definition at line 5613 of file gui.c.
References ami_do_redraw(), ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred(), gui_window::c_h, gui_window::c_x, gui_window::c_y, gui_window_place_caret(), gui_window_2::gw, and gui_window_2::redraw_required.
Referenced by ami_schedule_redraw(), and ami_schedule_redraw_remove().
static |
Definition at line 4549 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_reset_pointer(), ami_set_pointer(), amiga_warn_user(), amiga_window_invalidate_area(), GID_BROWSER, GUI_POINTER_WAIT, gui_window_2::gw, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, gui_window_2::win, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by HOOKF().
void ami_reset_pointer | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin | ) |
Definition at line 698 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui2_get_window(), ami_update_pointer(), and gui_window_2::mouse_pointer.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw_tiled(), ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred(), ami_refresh_window(), gui_window_save_link(), HOOKF(), and RXHOOKF().
void ami_schedule_redraw | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
bool | full_redraw | ||
) |
Schedule a redraw of the browser window - Amiga-specific function.
gwin | a struct gui_window_2 |
full_redraw | set to true to schedule a full redraw, should only be set to false when called from amiga_window_invalidate_area() |
Definition at line 5637 of file gui.c.
References ami_redraw_callback(), ami_schedule(), and gui_window_2::redraw_required.
Referenced by ami_gui_adjust_scale(), ami_gui_console_log_add(), ami_gui_console_log_remove(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_add(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_remove(), ami_gui_set_scale(), amiga_window_invalidate_area(), gui_window_set_scroll(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 5645 of file gui.c.
References ami_redraw_callback(), and ami_schedule().
Referenced by gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 2569 of file gui.c.
References GID_STATUS, gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_event().
static |
Set option defaults for amiga frontend.
defaults | The option table to update. |
Definition at line 1062 of file gui.c.
References ami_locale_langs(), current_user_dir, LIB_IS_AT_LEAST, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, nsoption_charp, nsoption_set_bool, nsoption_set_charp, nsoption_set_int, nsoption_setnull_charp, and ObtainCharsetInfo.
Referenced by main().
void ami_set_pointer | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
gui_pointer_shape | shape, | ||
bool | update | ||
) |
Definition at line 690 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui2_get_window(), ami_update_pointer(), and gui_window_2::mouse_pointer.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw_tiled(), ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred(), ami_refresh_window(), gui_window_save_link(), gui_window_set_pointer(), HOOKF(), and RXHOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 987 of file gui.c.
References AMINS_SCROLLERPEN, colour_option_from_pen(), DISABLEDTEXTPEN, height, nsoption_default_set_int, and width.
Referenced by ami_openscreen(), gui_init2(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 1885 of file gui.c.
References gui_window_2::gw, gui_window::scrollx, and gui_window::scrolly.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), and ami_mouse_to_ns_coords().
static |
Definition at line 3750 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_console_log_switch(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_gui_menu_update_disabled(), ami_gui_scroller_update(), ami_gui_update_hotlist_button(), ami_plot_clear_bbox(), ami_plot_release_pens(), ami_throbber_redraw_schedule(), ami_update_buttons(), amiga_warn_user(), amiga_window_invalidate_area(), browser_window_get_content(), browser_window_get_title(), browser_window_has_content(), browser_window_refresh_url_bar(), gui_window::bw, cur_gw, gui_window::favicon, GID_BROWSER, GID_TABS, GID_URL, gui_page_info_change(), gui_window_get_scroll(), gui_window_set_icon(), gui_window_set_scroll(), gui_window_set_title(), gui_window_update_extent(), gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::last_new_tab, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window_2::redraw_scroll, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, gui_window_2::shared_pens, gui_window_2::tabs, gui_window_2::win, rect::x0, rect::x1, rect::y0, and rect::y1.
Referenced by ami_change_tab(), ami_gui_event(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 918 of file gui.c.
Referenced by colour_option_from_pen().
bool ami_text_box_at_point | ( | struct gui_window_2 * | gwin, |
ULONG *restrict | x, | ||
ULONG *restrict | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 6179 of file gui.c.
References ami_get_hscroll_pos(), ami_get_vscroll_pos(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), amiga_warn_user(), browser_window_get_features(), gui_window::bw, browser_window_features::CTX_FORM_TEXT, browser_window_features::form_features, GID_BROWSER, gui_window_2::gw, NSERROR_OK, and gui_window_2::objects.
Referenced by ami_drag_selection().
static |
Definition at line 4238 of file gui.c.
References ami_ctxmenu_clicktab_create(), amiga_window_invalidate_area(), browser_window_get_title(), ButtonObj, gui_window::bw, CLICKTAB_CloseImage, gui_window_2::clicktab_ctxmenu, CLICKTAB_FlagImage, CLICKTAB_LabelTruncate, ClickTabObj, GA_ContextMenu, GA_HintInfo, GID_ADDTAB, GID_ADDTAB_BM, GID_CLOSETAB_BM, GID_MAIN, GID_TABLAYOUT, GID_TABS, GID_TABS_FLAG, gui_window_set_title(), gui_window_update_extent(), gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::helphints, IDoMethod, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window_2::tab_list, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_tabs_toggle_all(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().
void ami_try_quit | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 3915 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_close_screen(), ami_quit, IsMinListEmpty, locked_screen, nsoption_bool, scrn, and window_list.
Referenced by ami_handle_msg(), gui_download_window_done(), and gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 1628 of file gui.c.
References AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_BACK, ami_ctxmenu_history_create(), AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_FORWARD, ami_gui_menu_set_disabled(), BOOL_MISMATCH, browser_window_back_available(), browser_window_forward_available(), browser_window_reload_available(), browser_window_stop_available(), gui_window::bw, GID_BACK, GID_CLOSETAB, GID_FORWARD, GID_RELOAD, GID_STOP, gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::imenu, M_CLOSETAB, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, reload, gui_window_2::tabs, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_gui_history(), ami_switch_tab(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_set_url().
static |
Definition at line 1853 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_get_quals(), gui_window_2::key_state, gui_window_2::objects, and OID_MAIN.
Referenced by ami_gui_event().
void * ami_window_at_pointer | ( | int | type | ) |
undocumented, or internal, or documented elsewhere
Definition at line 684 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_cw_drag_end(), ami_drag_selection(), ami_history_global_drag_end(), and ami_hotlist_drag_end().
static |
Invalidates an area of an amiga browser window.
g | gui_window |
rect | area to redraw or NULL for the entire window area |
Definition at line 3719 of file gui.c.
References AddObject(), ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred_check(), ami_memory_itempool_alloc, ami_schedule_redraw(), AMINS_RECT, gui_window::deferred_rects, gui_window::deferred_rects_pool, gui_window_2::gw, NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, NSERROR_OK, NSLOG, nsObject::objstruct, and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_refresh_window(), ami_switch_tab(), and ami_toggletabbar().
static |
set option from pen
Definition at line 936 of file gui.c.
References ami_system_colour_scrollbar_fgpen(), AMINS_SCROLLERPEN, nsoption_s::c, NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, NSERROR_OK, NSOPTION_SYS_COLOUR_END, NSOPTION_SYS_COLOUR_START, nsoptions, nsoptions_default, OPTION_COLOUR, type, and nsoption_s::value.
Referenced by ami_set_screen_defaults().
static |
Definition at line 6329 of file gui.c.
References browser_window_set_gadget_filename(), gui_window::bw, filereq, messages_get(), NSLOG, scrn, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
static |
Definition at line 1218 of file gui.c.
References ami_locate_resource(), netsurf_path_to_nsurl(), and path().
static |
Definition at line 1437 of file gui.c.
References ami_appid, ami_arexx_init(), ami_arexx_self(), ami_openscreenfirst(), ami_quit, ami_set_screen_defaults(), amiga_warn_user(), applibport, applibsig, ASPrintf(), browser_window_create(), BW_CREATE_CLONE, BW_CREATE_HISTORY, cli_force, DevNameFromLock, DN_FULLPATH, hotlist_init(), messages_get(), messages_get_errorcode(), netsurf_path_to_nsurl(), NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, nsoption_charp, nsoption_setnull_charp, nsurl_access(), nsurl_create(), nsurl_unref(), rxsig, scrn, search_web_select_provider(), and temp_homepage_url.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 3278 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_get_browser_window(), ami_gui_get_gui_window_2(), browser_window_get_page_info_state(), browser_window::bw, GA_HintInfo, GID_PAGEINFO, GID_PAGEINFO_INSECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_INTERNAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_LOCAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_SECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_WARNING_BM, gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::helphints, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, PAGE_STATE_INSECURE, PAGE_STATE_INTERNAL, PAGE_STATE_LOCAL, PAGE_STATE_SECURE, PAGE_STATE_SECURE_ISSUES, PAGE_STATE_SECURE_OVERRIDE, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_switch_tab(), and gui_window_event().
static |
Definition at line 3930 of file gui.c.
References ami_appid, ami_arexx_cleanup(), ami_clipboard_free(), ami_ctxmenu_free(), ami_file_req_free(), ami_font_fini(), ami_gui_close_screen(), ami_gui_resources_free(), ami_help_free(), ami_menu_free_glyphs(), ami_mouse_pointers_free(), ami_openurl_close(), ami_plot_ra_free(), ami_theme_throbber_free(), browserglob, FreeObjList(), FreeStringClass(), hotlist_fini(), locked_screen, NSLOG, nsoption_charp, nsscreentitle, scrn, urldb_save(), urldb_save_cookies(), and window_list.
static |
Gui callback when search provider details are updated.
provider_name | The providers name. |
ico_bitmap | The icon bitmap representing the provider. |
Definition at line 6000 of file gui.c.
References ami_bitmap_get_native(), ami_plot_screen_is_palettemapped(), AMINS_WINDOW, BITMAP_HasAlpha, BitMapObj, GA_HintInfo, GetHead(), GetSucc(), GID_SEARCH_ICON, IsMinListEmpty, LIB_IS_AT_LEAST, NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, nsObject::objstruct, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), scrn, gui_window_2::search_bm, nsObject::Type, gui_window_2::win, and window_list.
static |
Definition at line 2350 of file gui.c.
static |
\TODO write OS3-compatible version
Definition at line 4701 of file gui.c.
References ami_AllocMinList(), ami_ctxmenu_get_hook(), AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_BACK, ami_ctxmenu_history_create(), AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_FORWARD, ami_get_theme_filename(), ami_gui_count_windows(), ami_gui_get_screen_title(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_add(), ami_gui_menu_create(), ami_gui_opts_websearch(), ami_gui_refresh_favicon(), ami_gui_table, ami_gui_win_list_add(), ami_memory_itempool_create, ami_openscreenfirst(), ami_schedule(), ami_switch_tab(), ami_theme_throbber_get_height(), ami_theme_throbber_get_width(), ami_toggletabbar(), ami_update_buttons(), ami_utf8_easy(), amiga_warn_user(), AMINS_WINDOW, appport, gui_window_2::appwin, BevelObj, BITMAP_DisabledSourceFile, BitMapObj, gui_window_2::browser_hook, ButtonObj, gui_window::bw, ChooserObj, gui_window_2::clicktab_ctxmenu, CLICKTAB_LabelTruncate, ClickTabObj, gui_window_2::ctxmenu_hook, cur_gw, gui_window::deferred_rects, gui_window::deferred_rects_pool, gui_window::dllist, gui_window_2::favicon_hook, GA_ContextMenu, GA_HintInfo, GAUGEIA_Level, GID_ADDTAB, GID_ADDTAB_BM, GID_BACK, GID_BROWSER, GID_CLOSETAB, GID_CLOSETAB_BM, GID_FAVE, GID_FAVE_ADD, GID_FAVE_RMV, GID_FORWARD, GID_HOME, GID_HOTLISTLAYOUT, GID_HSCROLLLAYOUT, GID_ICON, GID_LOGLAYOUT, GID_MAIN, GID_PAGEINFO, GID_PAGEINFO_INSECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_INTERNAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_LOCAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_SECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_WARNING_BM, GID_RELOAD, GID_SEARCH_ICON, GID_SEARCHSTRING, GID_STATUS, GID_STOP, GID_TABLAYOUT, GID_TABS, GID_TABS_FLAG, GID_THROBBER, GID_TOOLBARLAYOUT, GID_URL, GID_VSCROLLLAYOUT, gui_window_2::gw, GW_CREATE_FOREGROUND, GW_CREATE_TAB, height, gui_window_2::helphints, gui_window_2::history_ctxmenu, IA_InBorder, IA_Label, IDCMP_EXTENDEDMOUSE, gui_window_2::last_new_tab, LayoutHObj, LayoutVObj, locked_screen, gui_window::logcolumns, gui_window::loglist, messages_get(), NewObject(), NewObjList(), newprefs_hook, gui_window_2::next_tab, NSLOG, nsoption_bool, nsoption_charp, nsoption_int, gui_window_2::objects, OID_MAIN, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), reload, reload_g, scrn, gui_window_2::scrollerhook, gui_window_2::search_bm, gui_window::shared, gui_window_2::shared_pens, SpaceObj, sport, gui_window::stop, StringObj, STRINGVIEW_Header, gui_window_2::svbuffer, gui_window::tab, gui_window_2::tab_list, gui_window::tab_node, gui_window_2::tabs, gui_window_2::throbber_hook, TNA_CloseGadget, translate_escape_chars(), URLHistory_GetList(), WA_ContextMenuHook, gui_window_2::web_search_list, width, gui_window_2::win, WINDOW_BuiltInScroll, WINDOW_NewPrefsHook, and WindowObj.
static |
Definition at line 5484 of file gui.c.
References AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_BACK, AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_FORWARD, ami_ctxmenu_release_hook(), ami_free_download_list(), ami_gui_appicon_remove(), ami_gui_hotlist_toolbar_free(), ami_gui_menu_free(), ami_gui_opts_websearch_free(), ami_gui_refresh_favicon(), ami_gui_win_list_remove(), ami_history_local_destroy(), ami_memory_itempool_delete, ami_plot_release_pens(), ami_schedule(), ami_schedule_redraw_remove(), ami_search_close(), ami_search_get_gwin(), ami_switch_tab(), ami_toggletabbar(), ami_try_quit(), ami_utf8_free(), gui_window_2::appwin, gui_window_2::ctxmenu_hook, cur_gw, gui_window::deferred_rects, gui_window::deferred_rects_pool, gui_window::dllist, FreeObjList(), GetPred(), GetSucc(), GID_ADDTAB_BM, GID_CLOSETAB_BM, GID_FAVE_ADD, GID_FAVE_RMV, GID_LAST, GID_PAGEINFO_INSECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_INTERNAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_LOCAL_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_SECURE_BM, GID_PAGEINFO_WARNING_BM, GID_TABLAYOUT, GID_TABS, GID_TABS_FLAG, gui_window_stop_throbber(), gui_window_2::helphints, gui_window_2::history_ctxmenu, gui_window_2::hotlist_toolbar_list, gui_window::hw, IsMinListEmpty, gui_window::logcolumns, gui_window::loglist, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, OID_MAIN, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window_2::search_bm, gui_window_2::searchwin, gui_window::shared, gui_window_2::shared_pens, gui_window_2::status, gui_window_2::svbuffer, gui_window_2::tab_list, gui_window::tab_node, gui_window_2::tabs, gui_window::tabtitle, gui_window_2::web_search_list, gui_window_2::win, win_destroyed, window_list, and gui_window_2::wintitle.
Referenced by menu_close_win().
static |
Definition at line 6154 of file gui.c.
References ami_ns_rect_to_ibox(), gui_window_2::drag_op, GDRAGGING_NONE, gui_window_2::ptr_lock, gui_window::shared, type, and gui_window_2::win.
static |
process miscellaneous window events
gw | The window receiving the event. |
event | The event code. |
Definition at line 6441 of file gui.c.
References gui_page_info_change(), gui_start_selection(), gui_window_new_content(), gui_window_remove_caret(), gui_window_start_throbber(), gui_window_stop_throbber(), gui_window_update_extent(), GW_EVENT_NEW_CONTENT, GW_EVENT_PAGE_INFO_CHANGE, GW_EVENT_REMOVE_CARET, GW_EVENT_START_SELECTION, GW_EVENT_START_THROBBER, GW_EVENT_STOP_THROBBER, GW_EVENT_UPDATE_EXTENT, and NSERROR_OK.
static |
Find the current dimensions of a amiga browser window content area.
gw | The gui window to measure content area of. |
width | receives width of window |
height | receives height of window |
Definition at line 2089 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), amiga_warn_user(), GID_BROWSER, height, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::shared, and width.
Referenced by ami_gui_scroller_update().
static |
Definition at line 5836 of file gui.c.
References ami_get_hscroll_pos(), ami_get_vscroll_pos(), and gui_window::shared.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_scroll_internal(), and ami_switch_tab().
static |
Definition at line 6133 of file gui.c.
References ami_clearclipreg(), ami_gui_menu_update_disabled(), ami_gui_scroller_update(), ami_gui_update_hotlist_button(), ami_plot_release_pens(), browser_window_get_content(), browser_window_has_content(), browserglob, gui_window::bw, gui_window::favicon, gui_window_2::new_content, gui_window_2::oldh, gui_window_2::oldv, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::shared_pens.
Referenced by gui_window_event().
static |
Definition at line 6075 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_gui_menu_set_disabled(), amiga_warn_user(), gui_window::c_h, gui_window::c_w, gui_window::c_x, gui_window::c_y, GID_BROWSER, gui_window_remove_caret(), height, gui_window_2::imenu, M_PASTE, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_redraw_callback().
static |
Definition at line 6119 of file gui.c.
References ami_do_redraw_limits(), ami_gui_menu_set_disabled(), gui_window::bw, gui_window::c_h, gui_window::c_w, gui_window::c_x, gui_window::c_y, gui_window_2::imenu, M_PASTE, nsoption_bool, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_gui_event(), gui_window_event(), and gui_window_place_caret().
static |
function to add retrieved favicon to gui
Definition at line 2464 of file gui.c.
References ami_bitmap_get_mask(), ami_bitmap_get_native(), ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_plot_screen_is_palettemapped(), amiga_bitmap_get_opaque(), amiga_warn_user(), BLITA_MaskPlane, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha, content_get_bitmap(), gui_window::favicon, GID_ICON, gui_window_2::gw, MINTERM_SRCMASK, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_gui_refresh_favicon(), and ami_switch_tab().
static |
Set the scroll position of a amiga browser window.
Scrolls the viewport to ensure the specified rectangle of the content is shown. The amiga implementation scrolls the contents so the specified point in the content is at the top of the viewport.
g | gui_window to scroll |
rect | The rectangle to ensure is shown. |
Definition at line 5856 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_schedule_redraw(), amiga_warn_user(), browser_window_get_extents(), browser_window_has_content(), gui_window::bw, GID_BROWSER, GID_HSCROLL, GID_VSCROLL, gui_window_2::gw, height, NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, gui_window_2::objects, gui_window_2::redraw_scroll, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::scrollx, gui_window::scrolly, gui_window::shared, width, gui_window_2::win, rect::x0, and rect::y0.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_scroll_internal(), and ami_switch_tab().
static |
Definition at line 5922 of file gui.c.
References ami_utf8_easy(), ami_utf8_free(), GID_STATUS, gui_window_2::gw, NSA_STATUS_TEXT, gui_window_2::objects, scrn, gui_window::shared, gui_window_2::status, text(), and gui_window_2::win.
static |
Definition at line 3622 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_get_screen_title(), ami_utf8_easy(), ami_utf8_free(), GID_TABLAYOUT, GID_TABS, gui_window_2::gw, gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::shared, gui_window_2::tab_list, gui_window::tab_node, gui_window::tabtitle, TNA_HintInfo, gui_window_2::win, and gui_window_2::wintitle.
Referenced by ami_switch_tab(), and ami_toggletabbar().
static |
Definition at line 5956 of file gui.c.
References ami_update_buttons(), ami_utf8_easy(), ami_utf8_free(), GID_URL, gui_window_2::gw, NSERROR_OK, nsoption_bool, nsurl_access(), nsurl_get_utf8(), gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::shared, and gui_window_2::win.
static |
Definition at line 3672 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_free_space_box(), ami_gui_get_space_box(), ami_gui_scroller_update(), amiga_warn_user(), browser_window_get_extents(), browser_window_has_content(), gui_window::bw, GID_BROWSER, GID_HSCROLL, GID_VSCROLL, gui_window_2::gw, height, gui_window_2::new_content, NSERROR_OK, gui_window_2::objects, RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(), gui_window::shared, width, and gui_window_2::win.
Referenced by ami_switch_tab(), ami_toggletabbar(), and gui_window_event().
HOOKF | ( | uint32 | , |
ami_gui_browser_render_hook | , | ||
APTR | , | ||
space | , | ||
struct gpRender * | |||
) |
Definition at line 6062 of file gui.c.
References ami_schedule_redraw(), and NSLOG.
HOOKF | ( | uint32 | , |
ami_set_favicon_render_hook | , | ||
APTR | , | ||
space | , | ||
struct gpRender * | |||
) |
Definition at line 5987 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_refresh_favicon(), and ami_schedule().
HOOKF | ( | uint32 | , |
ami_set_throbber_render_hook | , | ||
APTR | , | ||
space | , | ||
struct gpRender * | |||
) |
Definition at line 6055 of file gui.c.
References ami_throbber_redraw_schedule(), and gui_window_2::gw.
HOOKF | ( | void | , |
ami_gui_newprefs_hook | , | ||
APTR | , | ||
window | , | ||
APTR | |||
) |
Definition at line 1231 of file gui.c.
References ami_set_screen_defaults(), and scrn.
HOOKF | ( | void | , |
ami_scroller_hook | , | ||
Object * | , | ||
object | , | ||
struct IntuiMessage * | |||
) |
Definition at line 4597 of file gui.c.
References ami_gui_scroll_internal(), ami_refresh_window(), ami_schedule_redraw(), BROWSER_MOUSE_MOD_2, browser_window_create(), browser_window_navigate(), gui_window::bw, BW_CREATE_TAB, BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, GID_HOTLIST, GID_HSCROLL, GID_VSCROLL, gui_window_2::gw, IDCMP_EXTENDEDMOUSE, gui_window_2::key_state, NSLOG, nsoption_bool, and gui_window_2::redraw_scroll.
int main | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv | ||
) |
Normal entry point from OS.
Definition at line 6528 of file gui.c.
References ami_amiupdate(), ami_arexx_execute(), ami_bitmap_fini(), ami_clipboard_init(), ami_ctxmenu_init(), ami_file_req_init(), ami_font_init(), ami_font_setdevicedpi(), ami_get_msg(), ami_gui_commandline(), ami_gui_get_user_dir(), ami_gui_read_all_tooltypes(), ami_gui_resources_free(), ami_gui_resources_open(), ami_gui_splash_close(), ami_gui_splash_open(), ami_init_mouse_pointers(), ami_layout_table, ami_libs_close(), ami_libs_open(), ami_locate_resource(), ami_memory_fini(), ami_memory_init(), ami_mime_free(), ami_mime_init(), ami_misc_fatal_error(), ami_nsoption_free(), ami_nsoption_read(), ami_openurl_open(), ami_quit, ami_set_options(), ami_theme_init(), amiga_bitmap_table, amiga_clipboard_table, amiga_core_window_table, amiga_datatypes_init, amiga_download_table, amiga_fetch_table, amiga_file_table, amiga_icon_init, amiga_misc_table, amiga_plugin_hack_init(), amiga_search_table, amiga_search_web_table, amiga_utf8_table, amiga_window_table, ASPrintf(), CreateDirTree, current_user_dir, current_user_faviconcache, filesystem_llcache_table, gui_init2(), messages_add_from_file(), netsurf_table::misc, netsurf_exit(), netsurf_init(), netsurf_register(), NewObjList(), NSERROR_OK, NSLOG, nslog_finalise(), nslog_init(), nsoption_charp, nsoption_commandline(), nsoption_finalise(), nsoption_init(), nsoptions, nsoptions_default, save_complete_init(), search_web_init(), urldb_load(), urldb_load_cookies(), win_destroyed, and window_list.
static |
Definition at line 347 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_get_app_id(), gui_init2(), and gui_quit().
static |
Definition at line 4695 of file gui.c.
Referenced by gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 332 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_quit_netsurf(), ami_try_quit(), gui_init2(), and main().
static |
Definition at line 6509 of file gui.c.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 6519 of file gui.c.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 6515 of file gui.c.
Referenced by main().
extern |
static |
Definition at line 6479 of file gui.c.
Referenced by main().
static |
Definition at line 346 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_handle_applib(), and gui_init2().
static |
Definition at line 348 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_get_msg(), and gui_init2().
static |
Definition at line 335 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_get_msg(), ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_resources_free(), ami_gui_resources_open(), ami_handle_appmsg(), and gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 344 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_do_redraw(), ami_do_redraw_limits(), ami_openscreenfirst(), gui_quit(), and gui_window_new_content().
static |
Definition at line 353 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_commandline(), and gui_init2().
static |
Definition at line 330 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_get_active_gw(), ami_handle_applib(), ami_misc_req(), ami_switch_tab(), gui_window_create(), and gui_window_destroy().
static |
Definition at line 357 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_get_user_dir(), ami_locate_resource(), ami_nsoption_set_location(), ami_set_options(), and main().
static |
Definition at line 358 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_get_cache_favicon_name(), ami_gui_get_user_dir(), and main().
static |
Definition at line 340 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_close_screen(), ami_openscreen(), ami_try_quit(), gui_quit(), and gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 350 of file gui.c.
Referenced by gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 343 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_get_screen_title(), and gui_quit().
static |
Definition at line 349 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_arexx_init(), ami_get_msg(), and gui_init2().
static |
Definition at line 334 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_get_msg(), ami_gui_resources_free(), and ami_gui_resources_open().
static |
Definition at line 341 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_close_screen(), and ami_openscreen().
static |
Definition at line 328 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_bitmap(), ami_bitmap_get_generic(), ami_clearclipreg(), ami_cw_drag_end(), ami_gui_beep(), ami_gui_close_screen(), ami_gui_event(), ami_gui_get_screen(), ami_gui_hotlist_add(), ami_handle_applib(), ami_handle_msg(), ami_menu_layout_gt(), ami_openscreen(), ami_pageinfo_create_window(), ami_plot_obtain_pen(), ami_plot_ra_alloc(), ami_plot_release_pens(), ami_try_quit(), gui_file_gadget_open(), gui_init2(), gui_quit(), gui_search_web_provider_update(), gui_window_create(), gui_window_set_status(), and HOOKF().
static |
Definition at line 329 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_get_msg(), ami_gui_resources_free(), ami_gui_resources_open(), and gui_window_create().
static |
Definition at line 352 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_commandline(), and gui_init2().
static |
Definition at line 356 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_commandline(), ami_gui_get_user_dir(), and ami_gui_read_tooltypes().
static |
Definition at line 342 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_gui_event(), ami_quit_netsurf(), gui_window_destroy(), and main().
static |
Definition at line 327 of file gui.c.
Referenced by ami_find_tab(), ami_gui_count_windows(), ami_gui_get_window_list(), ami_gui_hotlist_update_all(), ami_gui_menu_update_all(), ami_gui_tabs_toggle_all(), ami_gui_win_list_add(), ami_handle_msg(), ami_quit_netsurf(), ami_try_quit(), find_guiwin_by_aes_handle(), gui_quit(), gui_search_web_provider_update(), gui_window_destroy(), handle_event(), main(), RXHOOKF(), window_destroy(), and window_unref_gui_window().